Authors Families

  • Alison Allen-Gray

    Alison Allen-Gray

    Alison was brought up in the wilds of Suffolk, where an inspirational primary school teacher helped her to manage the interruption that school posed to the important business of having adventures. Whilst study for a degree in English and Drama Alison and her friends converted an old chapel int...

  • Alice Hoffman

    Alice Hoffman

    Alison was brought up in the wilds of Suffolk, where an inspirational primary school teacher helped her to manage the interruption that school posed to the important business of having adventures. Whilst study for a degree in English and Drama Alison and her friends converted an old chapel int...

  • Ali Pye

    Ali Pye

    Ali Pye is the author and illustrator of a number of picture books, including You Can Never Run Out of Love and Rosie Is My Best Friend. The Adventures of Harry Stevenson is her first fiction series and was inspired by a real-life guinea pig (who turned out to be a girl and was re-named...

  • Alexis Deacon

    Alexis Deacon

    Alexis Deacon graduated from the University of Brighton where he studied Illustration, with a first class honours degree. Before graduating he was also awarded the Burt Brill and Cardens award for the second best degree show in 2000. He now lives in London.

  • Alexandra Stewart

    Alexandra Stewart

    Alexandra Stewart read Modern History at Oxford University before training to be a journalist. After working as a reporter on a number of newspapers, she crossed the floor to become a press officer for the Metropolitan Police and, later, Central Government. She subsequently worked as a...

  • Alan Durant

    Alan Durant

    Alan Durant has written many children's books, both picture books and fiction. He lives in Surrey with his wife and children. He also writes prize-winning poetry.