Authors Families

  • H.M Castor

    H.M Castor

    H. M. Castor has been obsessed with the Tudors since primary school. She studied Tudor History at Cambridge University and, despite spending time after that doing a variety of jobs including teaching English in Prague and working as a Benesh Movement Notator for the Royal Ballet the Tudors hav...

  • Harriet Goodwin

    Harriet Goodwin

    Harriet Goodwin read medieval English at Oxford University before training as a professional singer at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. She sang and toured with a number of internationally acclaimed ensembles before the birth of her four children, but now concentrates on orat...

  • Harriet Reuter Hapgood

    Harriet Reuter Hapgood

    Harriet Reuter Hapgood is a freelance journalist living in Brighton who has worked with the Independent, Marie Claire, ELLE and InStyle in the UK. Her debut YA novel The Square Root of Summer was inspired by her German mathematician grandfather and her lifelong obsession with YA romance...

  • Harriet Whitehorn

    Harriet Whitehorn

    Harriet Whitehorn is the author of the VIOLET books, a middle-grade detective series from Simon and Schuster. Titles include VIOLET AND THE PEARL OF THE ORIENT, and VIOLET AND THE SMUGGLERS. The books have been nominated for several awards, including the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and t...

  • Hayley Scott

    Hayley Scott

    Hayley has always loved stories. She grew up near Watership Down, and one of her favourite things to do was visit the big hill to watch the rabbits hopping in and out of their burrows. She's always loved really small things too. When she was little she used to make tiny furniture for fairy hou...

  • Hazel Marshall

    Hazel Marshall

    Hazel Marshall was born in Scotland and has lived there most of her life. Troublesome Angels and Flying Machines was inspired by her love of the Medieval Period where 'invention was a matter of fascination for people. They were constantly questioning how things worked, how they came to be inve...

  • Hazel Townson

    Hazel Townson

    Hazel Townson was formerly Chief Assistant Librarian in charge of work with young people in Bury, Lancashire. She now devotes her time to writing and for years has been going into schools and libraries to talk to children about writing. She has chaired the Lancashire Children's Book Award for...

  • Helen Bailey

    Helen Bailey

    Helen Bailey was born and brought up in Northumberland, a county she still regards as home. Barely into her teens, Helen invested her pocket money in buying a copy of The Writers' and Artists' Yearbook and spent the next few years sending short stories and poems to anyone she could think of. M...