Authors Families
Garth Jennings
GARTH JENNINGS has directed many music videos and commercials with his production company Hammer and Tongs. His work includes videos for Blur, Radiohead, Fatboy Slim and Vampire Weekend. Garth directed the most recent adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, starring Martin F...
Garth Nix
Garth Nix is an Australian writer who specialises in children's and young adult fantasy novels, notably the Old Kingdom series, The Seventh Tower series, and The Keys to the Kingdom series. Born in Melbourne, Nix was raised in Canberra. After a period working for the Australian Governme...
Gayle Forman
Gayle Forman is an award-winning author and journalist whose articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Seventeen, Cosmopolitan and Elle in the US. She lives in Brooklyn with her family. Gayle Forman's novel, If I Stay, was released as a blockbuster movie starring Chloe...
Georgia Byng
Georgia Byng grew up outside Winchester, near the river Itchen with herthree brothers and a sister. Whilst her brothers terrorised the neighbourhood throwing eggs and planting pretend bombs on people's doorsteps, Georgia made friends with everyone. Really, this was a ploy to get into peo...
Giles Andreae
Giles Andreae's first children's book, Rumble in the Jungle, was an instant hit and has been followed by several bestselling sequels, including Commotion in the Ocean and Dinosaurs Galore. The Lion Who Wanted to Love won the Red House Best Picture Book Award in 1998, as did Pants in 200...
Gillian Cross
Gillian Cross was born on the edge of London and, for as long as she can remember, has loved books and stories. Before she could read her mother would make up stories for her, and she can still remember the tale of How Silvia and her Little Sister Danced the Wedding of the Painted Doll. Later,...
Gillian McClure
Gillian McClures first picture book was published in 1974 when she was an Infant and Nursery teacher. Since then she has gone on to write many highly acclaimed and award winning picture books as well as collaborating, as an illustrator, with writers such as Philippa Pearce and Kevin Crossley H...
Grace Easton
Grace Easton was born in London and studied illustration at Central Saint Martins, Brighton University and Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Before becoming an author and illustrator she was a baker, a Christmas elf, and a designer for Penguin Books. Her work has been recogn...