Authors Young Adult

  • Ben Newman

    Ben Newman

    Ben Newman is an award-winning illustrator with a penchant for the bold and the bright, with vivid characters and 'Bauhaus fuzzy felt' style. Having graduated from the University of West England, Ben didn't immediately dive into the creative market. He instead spent time developing his...

  • Ben Brooks

    Ben Brooks

    Ben Brooks is the author of the bestselling and ground-breaking Stories for Boys Who Dare To Be Different, which was the winner of Children's Book of the Year at the National Book Awards. The Impossible Boy is his first novel for children. He lives in Bulgaria.

  • Bel Mooney

    Bel Mooney

    Bel Mooney was born and brought up in Liverpool. She went to London University, and afterwards became a journalist, writing for magazines and newspapers. She started to write the Kitty series when her own daughter Kitty was a naughty four-year-old, and asked her to write 'a proper book'. Since...

  • Becca Fitzpatrick

    Becca Fitzpatrick

    Becca Fitzpatrick graduated with a degree in health, and went to work as a secretary, teacher, and accountant at an alternative high school in Provo. In 2003, her husband enrolled her in a writing class for her 24th birthday. It was in that class that Fitzpatrick started writing Hush, H...

  • Bear Grylls

    Bear Grylls

    Bear Grylls is no stranger to extremes. During a three-year stint in the SAS he was involved in a horrific parachuting accident in Africa and broke his back in three places. Months of rehabilitation followed but, never losing sight of his childhood dream of climbing Everest, Bear went on to be...

  • Barry Jonsberg

    Barry Jonsberg

    Wonderfully funny, slick, streetwise young teen fiction doesn't turn up often. But this is the real McCoy. 'The whole Business with Kiffo and the Pit Bull' isn't a worthy literary tome- it is pacy, hilarious and quirky- we might challenge you not to stay up half the night reading it. <b...

  • Barry Hutchison

    Barry Hutchison

    Barry Hutchison is a multi-award-winning author of books for children and teenagers. He lives halfway up a mountain in the Highlands of Scotland, where he spends his days writing stories, walking his dog, and wrestling wolves*. He is the author of the terrifying Invisible Fiends series,...

  • Barbara Mitchelhill

    Barbara Mitchelhill

    Barbara Mitchelhill trained as a teacher and has taught in secondary and junior schools. She is now a part-time editor for an education publisher and writes in her spare time. She has written for many educational publishers.