
  • Scott Westerfeld

    Scott Westerfeld

    Scott Westerfeld was born in Texas in 1963. He lives with his wife, writer Justine Larbalestier, and they divide their time between their houses in New York and Sydney, Australia. He has written five science fiction novels for adults and three sets of books for young adults. His YA nove...

  • SE Durrant

    SE Durrant

    S.E. Durrant has wanted to be a writer since she was a child and has always squeezed writing in around the edges of her life. She spent her childhood in Scotland before moving to Leicestershire when she was twelve. She studied Fine Art (painting) and then travelled widely before settlin...

  • Chris Ryan

    Chris Ryan

    Less than a week after the outbreak of the Gulf War, Chris Ryan and 7 fellow SAS soldiers were dropped by helicopter in the Iraqi desert. Their mission was to locate and destroy Saddam Husseins mobile Scud missile launches but it ended in catastrophic failure with three men dead and four captu...

  • Sean McManus

    Sean McManus

    Sean McManus writes inspiring books that introduce children to programming, including Scratch Programming in Easy Steps, Cool Scratch Projects in Easy Steps and Raspberry Pi For Dummies (co-authored). Sean learned to program when he was nine, starting with the Logo language, which is of...

  • Chris Riddell

    Chris Riddell

    Chris and his family moved to Britain from Cape Town when he was a year old. Due to his father's peripatetic lifestyle as a liberal Anglican Vicar, Chris, his sister and two brothers grew up everywhere from Bristol to Brixton. Despite there being no strong artistic influences in the family, Ch...

  • Sean Williams

    Sean Williams

    Sean Williams was born in Australia in 1967. He started reading science fiction at an early age and began writing his own genre short stories when he was ten years old. His parents were teachers (his father later became an Anglican priest) and that meant a lot of moving around, although...

  • Chris Priestley

    Chris Priestley

    Chris Priestley was born in Hull, and has lived in Wales and Gibraltar. As a nine-year-old, he won a prize in a story-writing competition, which first gave him the idea of writing for a living. He studied at Manchester Polytechnic and went on to be a political cartoonist, publishing his...

  • Serena Patel

    Serena Patel

    Serena Patel is a part-time law firm training co-ordinator and mum of two. She was shortlisted for the Asian Writer Short Story Prize in 2017 and was a finalist in the Undiscovered Voices Anthology in 2018. She is also a member of the Golden Egg Academy and SCWBI. Her debut children's s...