
  • Tamsin Winter

    Tamsin Winter

    Tamsin Winter grew up in a tiny village in Northamptonshire where there was nothing to do. She spent her childhood reading books and writing stories, mostly about cats (she loves cats so much that they still always appear in her books). She has a degree in English literature and creativ...

  • Tamsyn Murray

    Tamsyn Murray

    Tamsyn Murray spent her childhood moving around a lot, from Truro in Cornwall to a village called Norham in Northumberland (which is probably as far from Cornwall as it's possible to get and still be in England) and then on to the Lake District. At eighteen she left home to go to university in...

  • Tanya Landman

    Tanya Landman

    Tanya Landman grew up in Gravesend, Kent. She went on to study English Literature at university, and then worked in a bookshop running the children's section, at an arts centre and a zoo. She was also a writer, administrator and performer for Storybox Theatre. Her first book was Waking Merlin,...

  • Taran Matharu

    Taran Matharu

    Taran Matharu started writing his debut novel, Summoner: The Novice, during National Novel Writing Month. He began to publish his work on story-sharing website, Wattpad, eventually updating his profile daily to keep up with the rising demand for new chapters. It took him a year to write and, a...

  • TE Carter

    TE Carter

    TE Carter was born and raised in New England. Throughout her career, she has done a lot of things, she has always loved to read and still loves stories in any medium (books, movies, video games, etc.). When she's not writing, she can generally be found reading classic literature, obsess...

  • Teresa Flavin

    Teresa Flavin

    Teresa Flavin was born in New York and studied Illustration at Massachusetts College of Art in Boston, Massachusetts. She became an illustrator in the 19902 and since 1993 has illustrated a number of picture and chapter books for children and young adults. In 1995 she moved to Glas...

  • Teri Terry

    Teri Terry

    Born in France to Canadian parents of Dutch and Finnish ancestry, Teri Terry has lived in France, Canada, Australia and England at more addresses than she can count, acquiring three degrees, a selection of passports and a silly name along the way. Moving constantly as a child, teenager...

  • Terry Deary

    Terry Deary

    Terry Deary was born in Sunderland in 1946 and currently lives in County Durham. Terry is a former actor, theatre-director and drama teacher. He spends his time writing and directing for his television production company and managing his website, Terry has author...