Children Book Reviews


  • The Boy Who Flew

    Name: Megan Age 11
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    The Boy who Flew was an incredible read and I couldn't have wished for more. Although, like with most great books, I really did wish there was more of it to read!If I'm honest, I wasn't sure at first but Fleur won me around with her stellar writing- it got interesting!! Within a co...

  • Marsh Road Mysteries: Diamonds and Daggers

    Marsh Road Mysteries: Diamonds and Daggers

    Name: Lucas Age 11
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    I think its good and detective type. I wouldn't say its descriptive as it has many speeches in it. If you're looking with a book with pictures I wouldn't say this is for you. I like the book overall and its good. I' d recommend it to you.

  • Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery

    Name: Keetan Age 10
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    The book was involved around 'wug's who didn't know the true secrets about their little town. However, one wug slowly uncovers the truth about their little home town. I liked how they left the chapter with a feeling in your mind thinking, what's next? What's going to happen?

  • This Wonderful Thing

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Cymbeline Igloo (the boy with the best name in any book, anywhere) is back. This is his third outing and carries on the story from the previous books, though it could be read independently. Coupled with Cymbeline's story is the story of a new character, Jessica, and her family. Both Jessica and...

  • Agent Zaiba Investigates: The Missing Diamonds

    Agent Zaiba Investigates: The Missing Diamonds

    Name: George Age 10
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    This book has to be one of the best I have ever read. This is because it was a very gripping mystery, which pulled you in further with every page you turned. I also enjoyed trying to solve the mystery along with the protagonists - Zaiba, Poppy and Ali - and it was quite difficult, which made i...

  • Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery

    Name: George Age 10
    28 February 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Vega Jane was a rip-roaring adventure of danger, bloody guts and friendship. This is a story not for the faint-hearted as there are people dying and horrible things happening!Vega Jane is determined to find out the secrets of Wormwood and maybe the leaders of it themselves. The boo...

  • Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery

    Name: Annanya Age 10
    28 February 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    This book is about an adventurous 14 session (year) old girl called Vega Jane, who is intrigued to know the truth about Wormwood (the place where she lives) and her own family history. I like this book because it makes me want to keep turning the pages and read more and more to unravel the sec...

  • Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery

    Name: Marley
    22 February 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    This is about a girl who finds the truth about her secretive little town. This book carries a tale of adventure, friendship, loyalty and magic beyond wug (human) comprehension. It's an amazing story and I can't wait to see what happens next.

  • The Ghost Garden

    Name: Joanna Hewish
    18 February 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Who doesn't love a good ghost story?! But as teachers, we often struggle to find content appropriate enough and content not too scary for our younger readers. The Ghost Garden is a perfect mix of a little spooky and a lovely narrative about friendship and becoming more confident.Th...

  • The Last Bear

    The Last Bear

    Name: Rhiannon Cook
    18 February 2021;

    Genre: Environment

    April Wood is often alone. Her father immerses himself in his scientific research, unable to deal with the death of April's mother seven years ago, and her only real friends are the animal companions she finds in odd corners wherever she can. However, when April's father is offered a post in t...