Children Book Reviews
Beast Feast
Name: Lauren Maidman
29 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
Beats Feast is the brilliant story about a Beast and 'Dinner', aka a little boy. When the beast finds his 'Dinner' he sends out a letter to all his beast friends, inviting them to the Beast Feast! As each beast replies, the boy teaches him something new to make the recipe for 'Dinner' even better...
Killer Vending Machines Wrecked My Lunch
Name: Kelly Buxton
28 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
The second in a series of hilarious, lough out loud books from author Matt Brown. Dreary Inkling Primary School is once again under attack, but not the kind of attack the school ever imagined. When the headmistress buys some vending machines, she never imagined that an electrical storm would tur...
The Dam
Name: Sue Wilsher
27 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
The Dam starts as a father wakes his daughter, Kathryn, at dawn, telling her to bring her fiddle. He leads her to the valley where the dam is almost complete and starts sharing memories of the places they pass. Pulling the boards from a doorway, they enter a deserted cottage where her father tell...
The Somerset Tsunami
Name: Janet Fisher
21 October 2019;Genre: Historical Fiction
Set in the Somerset Levels in 1616, and based on the actual event of a tsunami in January 1607, Emma Carroll's The Somerset Tsunami tells of a girl, named Fortune, living in a village of women but for one male, her brother Jem. But these are difficult times and the Protestants...
Beast Feast
Name: Ellen Green
21 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
What a feast of a delight this book is! Gorgeous, funny and just enough scary for 5-8 year olds. It is also packed with letters so a great way to introduce letter-writing in class. Meet Beast, a bright pink, sharp-toothed hairy monster who is dangling a small boy by the foot. "You are DINNER", sa...
The Wizards and the Whale
Name: Louise Gahan
20 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
The Wizards and the Whale is an important book for our time. 12 wizards receive a message asking for their help to save the world. All very different in nature, skills and culture. The wizards come together in respect of each other but with one sole purpose and that is the belief that together, t...
The Clue is in the Poo
Name: Sam Phillips
20 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
Having made the mistake of handing this book and its partner in crime, A Giant Dose of Gross, over to my small class of Year 4 boys before I had even reviewed them, I can say without hesitation that this book will go down a storm in any school library or class book corner! Anything that talks ab...
Fantastic Female Adventurers
Name: Bryony Davies
10 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
Fantastic Female Adventurers in a non fiction text by Lily Dyu consisting of thirteen biographies organised into short chapters. Expertly illustrated by Chellie Carroll, this is a superb read full of incredible and interesting women. The book begins with a world map showing the adventurers' rou...
Winter Sleep
Name: Lucy Newton
07 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
A lovely picture book with a brilliant link to real life learning! This story is all about a child who enjoys going to stay with her Granny Silvie who lives in the countryside. When the child visits, s/he explores the local environment with the grandma, listening to birds sing, watching the anim...
How Far Can A Kangaroo Jump?
Name: Lucy Newton
07 October 2019;Genre: Adventure
This book would provide a great starting point to inspire children who are in the early stages of learning about numbers whilst also proving thought provoking for children further into their mathematical education. It includes many different animals, from a snow leopard to a frog, comparing how...