Families Book Reviews


  • My Momma Zo

    My Momma Zo

    Name: Jemma Jeffrey
    21 February 2023;

    Genre: LBGTQ+

    This gloriously wonderful book My Momma Zo shows how loving families come in all shapes and sizes. In it we meet Molly, her brother George, her two mums Zo and Kel, and her dog Ziggy. Initially we find out what each family member likes and dislikes, then we go on to discover t...

  • Mums Are Magnificent

    Mums Are Magnificent

    Name: Jenny Bevan
    21 February 2023;

    Genre: Family & Home

    I loved reading this book. I am a mum to a six-year-old and one-year-old. I. Hope they can see me in some of the Mums described. I could certainly see my own Mum. I love the way so many types of mums are celebrated throughout the pages. A lovely family book to treasure. Picture book / R...

  • Don't Be Silly

    Name: Ellen
    21 February 2023;

    Genre: Funny Stories

    Don't Be Silly is a joyful book filled with being silly, and fun - reminding us that children delight in those things - and that sometimes so should the grown-ups!  Two siblings wonder why grown-ups can't have fun; they are so serious all the time! When told not to be silly, t...

  • Glow Up, Lara Bloom: the secret diary of a teenage catastrophe!

    Glow up, Lara Bloom

    Name: Linda Brown
    20 February 2023;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Lara Bloom is a teenager that shares her innermost secrets with her diary, that is until her older brother gets a good read of it and threatens to air her secrets if she doesn't do his chores! However, her best friends find an online journal for her to use, which she finds amazing. Lara is the...

  • The Monkey Who Fell From The Future

    The Monkey Who Fell From The Future

    Name: Louise Baker
    20 February 2023;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    The plan was simple; using their genius invention, the Time Tablet, on national television, Thomas and his cousin Kylie were only supposed to make contact with the inhabitants of 2425 to see how life had changed. They definitely weren't supposed to find themselves in a post-apocalyptic society...

  • Glow Up, Lara Bloom: the secret diary of a teenage catastrophe!

    Glow Up, Lara Bloom

    Name: Clair Bossons
    20 February 2023;

    Genre: Friends and family

    I was not expecting to enjoy reading Glow Up, Lara Bloom quite as much as I did. To be honest, this isn't the type of book that I would usually pick to read for myself but I absolutely loved it! When Lara's brother Daniel discovers her diary, Lara turns to an online app in whi...

  • Don't Be Silly

    Don't be silly

    Name: J Bevan
    20 February 2023;

    Genre: Funny Stories

    Don't be Silly is a story about how parents want their children to be sensible. The children try and be sensible by dressing as grown ups. The grown ups still think they are silly. Finally, the children meet the grandparents...  This books explores the relationships bet...

  • Bear and Bird: The Picnic and Other Stories

    Bear and Bird: The Picnic and Other Stories

    Name: Wendy Kelly
    20 February 2023;

    Genre: Friends and family

    What a charming little book this is. Jarvis has created the simple, happy world of Bird and Bear who are best friends. Bear is not too bright and Bird is a bit of a worrier but together, they make a good team. This collection of four little stories is set around simple adventures that they sha...

  • The Worry Jar

    The Worry Jar

    Name: Maria
    19 February 2023;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    The Worry Jar is a perfect story to share about worries and wellbeing. Frida, the main character has many worries and collects pebbles for every worry she has. From worrying about the weather to not jumping into the pool during her swimming lesson, she is weighed down each day...

  • How to Make a Story

    How to Make A Story

    Name: Maria
    19 February 2023;

    Genre: Family & Home

    How to Make A Story is a fun-filled story about Milo who wants to make up his own story but does not know how. With help from his family members and some ideas from his home and garden, Milo soon has lots of ideas as he becomes "A Boy called Wolf." This book oozes appea...