Families Book Reviews


  • Boy 87

    Boy 87

    Name: Falak Age 11
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    For me the book was boring at first but as you read on you kind of get the image of what the book is about! It took me about 3 days to read but I loved it! Defo recommend

  • While the Storm Rages

    While the Storm Rages

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Last year, Phil Earle's debut, When the Sky Falls, garnered huge praise and was one of my favourite books of the year. This always makes me a little nervous reading a second book, in case I don't like it as much, but I need not have worried. In <...

  • Looking for Emily

    Looking for Emily

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Lily is the main character in Looking for Emily, and the story starts when she has just relocated from the bustling city to the very quaint seaside town of Edge with her mom. Lily truly believes that nothing exciting is ever going to happen to her again because the town of Edg...

  • While the Storm Rages

    While the Storm Rages

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    In the summer of 1939, Noah's dad leaves to join the army and makes Noah promise to look after his dog, Winn. Noah takes the responsibility to heart, believing that keeping the dog safe will keep his father safe, too. Then war is declared and the government advises people to have their pets pu...

  • Special Delivery: A Book's Journey Around the World

    Special Delivery: A Book's Journey Around The World

    Name: Jemma Jeffrey
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    Special Delivery: A Book's Journey Around the World describes the different stages a book goes through from being printed cut and pressed to landing in the readers' hands. We meet the factory workers and train drivers, the container ship captains, post office staff and finally...

  • The Merciless Ones

    The Merciless Ones

    Name: Clair Bossons
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Fantasy

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Gilded Ones so was excited to receive a copy of the sequel, The Merciless Ones. Namina Forna has created some strong female lead characters and this book begins six months later when Deka is working with the mother goddesses to rid the e...

  • Supernan's Day Out

    Supernan's Day Out

    Name: Donna Burkert
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Friends and family

    In Supernan's Day Out, Stanley cannot believe it; his mum has forced him to take a day off from saving the world and if that isn't bad enough, he's got to spend the day with his nan! Stanley loves his nan, but the idea of spending a day with her and her cronies, in a home that...

  • Kitchen Science: 30 Awesome STEM Experiments To Try At Home

    Kitchen Science 30 Awesome STEM Experiments to try at home.

    Name: Jennifer Caddick
    31 May 2022;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    I am already a fan of these two particular authors and their fresh and appealing style of non-fiction, after reading Science School. Kitchen Science is another bright, bold and exciting book packed...

  • You, Me and Our Heartstrings

    You, Me And Our Heartstrings

    Name: Stephen Leitch
    31 May 2022;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Set in New York, You, Me and Our Heartstrings follows the story of talented teen violin player Daisy and cello prodigy Noah, who are paired together to perform at their High School winter concert. Initially disagreeing on the music and to be played and each other, the two grad...

  • The Boy Who Grew A Tree

    The Boy Who Grew A Tree

    Name: Lauren Maidman
    31 May 2022;

    Genre: Early Readers & Young Fiction

    The Boy Who Grew A Tree is a heart-warming and sweet story of Timi who tells the story of his childhood to his Granddaughter. When Timi was a little boy, he spent a lot of time at after school club and at his Aunties; he was about to be a big brother. Whilst at club, he met a...