Families Book Reviews


  • Wranglestone


    Name: Daniel Katz
    05 April 2020;

    Genre: Dystopian

    In the middle of a lake in an isolated American National Park lives the community of Wranglestone. Peter is much happier wielding a darning needle than a weapon, but in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world, his skill set is not always appreciated. Especially when winter comes, when the la...

  • Once Upon a Dragon's Fire

    Once upon a Dragon's Fire

    Name: Nikki Stiles
    04 April 2020;

    Genre: Fairy Tales & Folk Tales

    This is the sweetest tale about how the dragon came to breathe fire. Who would have thought it; this notorious mythical creature has been misunderstood all this time?! It all began once upon a time in a magical kingdom. A kingdom dominated by stories passed down for generations about a beastly...

  • Ember Queen

    Ember Queen

    Name: Linda Brown
    04 April 2020;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Ember Queen is the concluding book to the wonderful Ash Princess series, and what an amazing, well written conclusion it has been. This book continues with all the magic, romance, power battles and friendships from the previous books, along w...

  • The M Word

    The M Word

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    04 April 2020;

    Genre: Bereavement

    Characters in a Brian Conaghan novel never have it easy. 17 year old Maggie Yates is struggling to maintain a relationship with someone once pivotal to her life who has chosen to leave her. She talks to her every day, tells her everything. Her best friend. She tells her when her dinner lady mu...

  • The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: Book 1

    The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: Book 1

    Name: Kelly Buxton
    04 April 2020;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Fans of Narnia and The Lost Magician rejoice, this magical filled adventure is like no other.Hidden worlds explored through suitcases - The Strangeworlds Travel Agency: Book 1 is the perfect addition for portal story topics. Flick, who is new to town with her famil...

  • Is My Teacher A Robot?

    Is my Teacher a Robot?

    Name: Sam Phillips
    03 April 2020;

    Genre: Adventure

    This very funny book by Dave Cousins is the second in the series about a chaos-causing robot babysitter. Robin the robot was built by twins, Jess and Jake's, inventor Grandma to help look after them. However, one morning he wakes up convinced he's no longer the twins' babysitter but is actually t...

  • Where Happiness Begins

    Where Happiness Begins

    Name: Nia Talbot
    03 April 2020;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    'Happiness begins with you' is the last line of this book and is definitely the message that we want to give to our children. This book has so many important messages for children about the fact that it is ok if you don't feel happiness all the time, and the fact that you will feel happiness b...

  • Bunnies on the Bus

    Bunnies on the Bus

    Name: Nia Talbot
    03 April 2020;

    Genre: Young fiction

    Bunnies on the Bus is a fun book about a group of bunnies that cause havoc in their town as they career around in a bus. This book has a simple plot but the illustrations show so much - a huge around of inference and multiple stories are developed through Ben Mantle's illustrations (look out f...

  • TrooFriend


    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    02 April 2020;

    Genre: Friendship

    In Troofriend, Sarah is not overjoyed when her busy parents get her an android to be her friend. It is not just any old android either but the Jensen and Jensen Troofriend 560 Mark IV. Sarah would rather have a dog but she accepts the Troofriend, who she calls Ivy. Ivy is prog...

  • Viper's Daughter

    Viper's Daughter

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    02 April 2020;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Two summers have passed and Torak and Renn are now living together in the Forest with Wolf, his mate, Darkfur, and the cubs. But their pack is torn apart when Renn, fearing she is a danger to Torak, leaves. Desperate to find her, Torak and Wolf follow, leaving the Forest they love, and heading...