Families Book Reviews


  • My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece

    My sister lives on the mantlepiece

    Name: Natasha Age 14
    26 January 2011;

    Genre: Friends and family

    I would recommend this book as it is enjoyable to read and is well written. At times though, it is tragic and upsetting, but the book never gets boring, something interesting and exciting is always happening, there's never a dull moment.

  • Angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, Book 1)

    Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snoging

    Name: evie Age 11
    19 January 2011;

    Genre: Humour

    It is hillariously funny and i couldnt put the book down

  • Inkheart

    Inkheart/ Inkspell/ Inkdeath

    Name: Anastaisia. Age 14
    19 January 2011;

    Genre: Fantasy

    You cannot put these books down. They keep you in supense and you always want to read on. This is my favourite book, and if you like mystery and fantasy, you need to read this book.

  • Skellig


    Name: Alisha Age 11
    19 January 2011;

    Genre: Family & Home

    I recommend this book because it is enjoyable and it wants to make you read on. I hope other people have enjoyed it.

  • I Know What You Did Last Wednesday

    I know what you did last wednesday

    Name: Katherine Age 13
    19 January 2011;

    Genre: Humour

    Any one who has read the Diamond Brothers series will love this book. With the stupid humour of the older detective.

  • Skellig


    Name: evie Age 11
    19 January 2011;

    Genre: Family & Home

    It is very emotional and well writen

  • 0.4


    Name: Natasha Age 13
    17 January 2011;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    It's gripping, intelligent, and will appeal to both genders. The book sets a new perspective for the world, and there wasn't any dull chapters - a really exciting book.

  • The Snow Spider Trilogy

    Snow Spider Trilogy

    Name: Anastaisia.K.C Age 14
    12 January 2011;

    Genre: Fantasy

    It is well written, but the books don't really link together because it is like starting a new book every time, but apart from that it keeps you enthralled the whole time you read it.

  • Scat


    Name: Katherine Age 13
    12 January 2011;

    Genre: Animals

    The book is very well written and any reader who loves action packed book with a cute cub thrown in. Animal lovers will enjoy this book very much

  • Animal Farm

    Animal Farm

    Name: Amelia Age 13
    19 December 2010;

    Genre: Books set in the past

    It is interesting to read and it shows you what could happen if animals one day, took over farms.