Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • Through The Wall

    Through The Wall

    Name: Daniel Katz
    06 November 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    A huge wall divides the land of the Yellow people from the land of the Blue people. The government preaches hatred and fear of the 'other side', and to attempt to cross, climb or damage the wall is treason. A Yellow boy lives a sad life in the shadow of this wall until one day, he discovers a hol...

  • The Mirroculist Mission

    Name: Linda Brown
    04 November 2019;

    Genre: Fantasy

    It's only been a few weeks since the explosive but successful ending in book one of this wonderful fantasy series, Beyond the Mirror, but for Darwen Arkwright and his friends, Rik and Alex, it feels like forever. When Darwen takes a trip into Silbrica, he is delighted to walk...

  • I Don't Want to be Small

    I Don't Want to be Small

    Name: Judith Greenall
    03 November 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Being small is so frustrating! You get overlooked by your friends, you get a terrible view in a crowd and you miss out on fairground rides. It's not fair, as the central character of this story announces on the first page. At least this little boy has a big brother, who passes on his old clothe...

  • The Pearl in the Ice

    The Pearl in the Ice

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    01 November 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Cathryn Constables's new novel The Pearl in the Ice is a spell-binding, adventurous tale. It takes us on a voyage of discovery from a branch in the garden of her father's house in Hampstead, London, across the dark, cold seas to the very North of Pechorin Island. The main character, Marina, is se...

  • Rise Up!: The Art of Protest

    RISE UP! The Art of Protest

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    31 October 2019;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    RISE UP! The Art of Protest is a much needed book for today's society and children growing up in uncertain times. The book gives an introduction to this form of protest through art, exploring why it has been used and how it can help. Using six main areas of historical and continuing social issues...

  • Beast Feast

    Beast Feast

    Name: Lauren Maidman
    29 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Beats Feast is the brilliant story about a Beast and 'Dinner', aka a little boy. When the beast finds his 'Dinner' he sends out a letter to all his beast friends, inviting them to the Beast Feast! As each beast replies, the boy teaches him something new to make the recipe for 'Dinner' even better...

  • Killer Vending Machines Wrecked My Lunch

    Killer Vending Machines Wrecked My Lunch

    Name: Kelly Buxton
    28 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    The second in a series of hilarious, lough out loud books from author Matt Brown. Dreary Inkling Primary School is once again under attack, but not the kind of attack the school ever imagined. When the headmistress buys some vending machines, she never imagined that an electrical storm would tur...

  • The Dam

    The Dam

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    27 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Dam starts as a father wakes his daughter, Kathryn, at dawn, telling her to bring her fiddle. He leads her to the valley where the dam is almost complete and starts sharing memories of the places they pass. Pulling the boards from a doorway, they enter a deserted cottage where her father tell...

  • Kid Got Shot: 2

    Kid Got Shot

    Name: Jessica Locke
    27 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    A really enjoyable follow up to Running Girl where we first meet the charismatic teenage super sleuth Garvie Smith. When a local school boy is found shot with no obvious motive or clues, Garvie is compelled to get involved and figure out what has happened. He is back to his usual tricks of missin...

  • Sea Witch Rising

    Sea Witch Rising

    Name: Linda Brown
    27 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is the sequel to Sea Witch, and picks up Evie's story 50 years later. Evie is now the feared Sea Witch and has been imprisoned by the Sea King as he is afraid of what she can do. The Sea King is angry, as he has now lost two daughters, Annemette and Alia. He cannot destroy Evie as she is the...