Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • She is Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women

    She is Fierce

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    03 March 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Poetry is enjoying something of a revival at present with verse novels by writers such as Sarah Crossan and Kwame Alexander gathering awards and illustrated collections for younger readers such as The Lost Words and I Am The Seed That Grew the Tree attracting wide press coverage and book gifting....

  • Mr Penguin and the Fortress of Secrets: Book 2

    Mr Penguin and the Fortress of Secrets

    Name: Emily Marcuccilli
    02 March 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Strange events have been taking place recently in the Alpine town of Schneedorf-on-the-Peak. Young Deiter Strudel's beloved hamster, Colonel Tuftybum (I challenge you to say that name without sniggering!) has vanished, along with all the other hamsters in the town. Could there be some connectio...

  • Vicky Angel

    Vicky Angel

    Name: Raynee Age 11
    01 March 2019;

    Genre: Friends and family

    I love this book so much as I relate to it.

  • Dustbin Baby

    Dustbin Baby

    Name: Raynee Age 11
    01 March 2019;

    Genre: Real life

    I like everything about this book.

  • Asha & the Spirit Bird

    Asha and the Spirit Bird

    Name: Clare Wilkins
    01 March 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Asha and her family live in the foothills of the Himalayas. Surviving on wages her father sends from his factory job in the City, they manage their farm in his absence and yearn for him to return. But suddenly the money and Pa's letters stop arriving; and as the months go by Asha's desperate moth...

  • Monsters in the Mirror

    Name: Linda Brown
    01 March 2019;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Monsters in the Mirror is book one of a beautifully creative fantasy series. I enjoyed every pacey chapter (as old as I am! ), routing for the main characters - who are quirky and at times quite funny - until the very last page.Darwen Arkwright has had to move from...

  • The Story of People

    The Story of People

    Name: Lucy Newton
    28 February 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is a fantastic book which summarises our Earth's journey through time, from the 'Big Bang' to now. A brilliant explanation of one theory of how our Earth has developed to the way it is today. Each page has a time tag on to show how many years ago each event happened and they are filled with...

  • Lenny's Book of Everything

    28 February 2019;

    Genre: Real life

    This is a simply marvellous book; beautifully written and crammed with detail and richness. I would recommend it for older readers as there is a huge amount that is never spelled out but is not really suitable for younger children, possibly not even the oldest and most mature Year 6.<br...

  • The Deadly Dinner Lady (Rory Branagan (Detective), Book 4)

    Rory Branagan Detective, The Deadly Dinner Lady

    Name: Sam Phillips
    26 February 2019;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Following on from Rory Branagan Detective, The Dog Squad and The Big Cash Robbery, this is the fourth book in the Rory Branagan series by Andrew Clover and Ralph Lazar. As with the previous titles, The Deadly Dinner Lady is everything a new or reluctant reader looks for in a book; large clear pri...

  • How to Rob a Bank

    How to Rob a Bank

    Name: Jenni Prestwood
    26 February 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    Poor Dylan burns down the house of the girl he is trying to impress. The Nepalese scented candle turns out to not be the best gift after all. Inspired by his film-loving Dad's showing of Dog Day Afternoon, Dylan believes he can solve his (and his Emma Stone look-alike would be girlfriends) prob...