Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • The Little White Horse

    The Little White Horse

    Name: Katie Age 11
    24 May 2013;

    Genre: Books set in the past

    I liked the amazing descriptions, the quirky characters and the shocking discoveries. There's nothing I don't like - except this brilliant book should be longer!

  • Winter Damage

    Winter Damage

    Name: Katie Age 12
    08 May 2013;

    Genre: Adventure

    Because its a great book for teenagers and young adults, by a brand new author, as this is her first book.

  • The Wall

    The Wall

    Name: Lisa Age 14
    22 April 2013;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, as although being emotionally charged and poignant at times, it has also many cryptic and hidden meanings and symbolism, which add depth to the characters and story. Through Sutcliffe's intense description, I have come to understand what life is like f...

  • The Wall

    The Wall

    Name: Chelsea Age 14
    22 April 2013;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    The Wall is a seat-gripping book full of anticipation and adventure, but it also captures many moral issues. It is based on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and the political aspect may make this book sound incredibly boring, but only makes the book more interesting, as not only is Joshua on a...

  • A World Between Us

    A World Between Us

    Name: Dominique Age 12
    22 March 2013;

    Genre: Books set in the past

    Syson sustains simultaneous plots which convey the frightening nature of daily life in a country torn apart by war and the fragile but also inspirational nature of human beings drawn into circumstances they cannot escape or ignore. A very worthwhile read!

  • Anthem for Jackson Dawes

    Anthem for Jackson Dawes

    Name: Anna Age 12
    05 March 2013;

    Genre: Real life

    Because it is a amazing book which makes your heart sink into it. It's very romantic and sad

  • Run Rabbit Run

    Run Rabbit Run

    Name: Amy Age 10
    27 February 2013;

    Genre: Real life

    I liked this book because it was sad and it showed you how hard it was living while a war was going on. I also like it because in the end it all turns out well. I think this book is great for people who like sad stories or books that are set in the past. I think this book is the best book ever!!!

  • Time Between Us

    Time Between Us

    Name: Lyn Hopson
    15 January 2013;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is most definitely a romantic novel, but it also has an element of fantasy, since it involves travel in time and space. The book is set mainly in Chicago in 1995, where the heroine, 16 year old Anna, is in high school. Anna is a great character, she works hard at school and in her father'...

  • Pigeon English

    Pigeon English

    Name: melanie chadwick
    15 January 2013;

    Genre: Real life

    A bleak and depressing look at life for a young teenager on a hard estate. Saturated with knives, crime, drugs and sexual exploitation it's no wonder that the children of the estate grow up to be violent. 11 year old Harri just about manages to keep his personality and some of his innocence for...

  • The Grimm Legacy

    The Grimm Legacy

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    14 January 2013;

    Genre: Adventure

    I could not wait to read this book as I have always been a fan of fairytales and it did not disappoint. It is full of suspense, intrigue and interesting characters. My only criticism is that I would have liked even more references to little known tales and their magical items etc. All in all I th...