Schools & Libraries Book Reviews
Artemis Fowl
Name: Lucy Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Fantasy
I liked this book because there is lots of excitment and action in most of the characters. I read about twenty pages every night, I loved it so much! You can also learn how to be devious like Artemis Fowl.
It`s not my fault!
Name: Lauren Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Young fiction
I liked it when her mum and Kitty and her baby brother rushed and they ran to the shops.
Double Act
Name: Ella Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Friends and family
I like the bits where Ruby and Garnet are symetrical. They can do all sorts of things without speaking to each other. The twins only use there own speical language.
The Hodgeheg
Name: Lotte Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Animals
I liked it when the hedgehog gets hit by a car and he has a big bump on his head and he spoke funny.
Sophie Hits Six
Name: Alice Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Animals
I liked it when her cat had kittens and she got a puppy and a rabbit. She called the rabbit Beano.
Malary towers
Name: Molly Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Adventure
Its so exciting! Very funny and if you pick the book up and read the first page you won't be able to put it down agian before you finish it.I think it is the best book ever.
Jane Eyre
Name: Rosie Age 13
25 June 2010;Genre: Books set in the past
I loved this book because it is nothing like I've ever read before. It's almost an entirely new language so it requires quite a lot of deciphering but once you get into the swing of the language you can really enjoy the thrilling and gripping story line!!! Give it a go and you won't regret it - a...
Where I Belong
Name: Joy Court
05 May 2010;Genre: Real life
This is an outstanding book from a multi-award winning author, that perfectly captures the interconnectedness of modern life. It is dealing with the big issues of poverty and justice but in an entirely non-patronising or sermonising way. Khadija may be an illegal, economic refugee from war torn a...
X isle
Name: kitty Age 14
22 April 2010;Genre: Adventure
X-Isle would suit Young Adults, both male and female, but is 'grown up' enough to capture the attention of the adult fantasy world. It's fast-paced and thrilling, making it an easily enjoyable read.
Prisoner of the Inquisition
Name: alice Age 14
22 April 2010;Genre: Books set in the past
It has something for everyone, love, pirates and history. For those that don't like them there are some pretty gruesome executions!