Schools & Libraries Book Reviews
To kill a mockingbird
Name: Claire Age 13
21 September 2010;Genre: Books set in the past
It is an unforgettable story and I could not put it down!
Name: Rosie Age 13
07 September 2010;Genre: Fantasy
I'd recommend this book because it is both fast-paced and extremely descriptive all in one. You travel into the mirror world with Jacob and feel his worry for his brother, his excitement at the world around him and the darkness of the mirror world. Clara is my personal favourite character because...
First Term At Malory Towers
Name: Maya Age 13
06 September 2010;Genre: Adventure
I really like this book because it is really fun and it shows you what life is like at boarding school, and you get to know a lot of the characters very well. There are 5 more books in the series but this is the first one :)
Name: Rosie Age 13
15 August 2010;Genre: Young fiction
This book takes patience to really enjoy it. The story line is slow to start but once you get into it it is impossible to put down! The description is great and you can really get into Gem's mind so you always know exactly how she feels. You will be fascinated to experience life through her ey...
Fallen Grace
Name: Iffath Age 13
29 July 2010;Genre: Books set in the past
Poor Grace has been through so much, having to sell watercress on the streets to survive, as well as looking after Lily, who's not capable of looking after herself. She was smart, admirable, and quite fierce at times. Lily was a sweet girl, the fact that she relied on Grace (a lot) made her sound...
Artemis Fowl
Name: Lucy Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Fantasy
I liked this book because there is lots of excitment and action in most of the characters. I read about twenty pages every night, I loved it so much! You can also learn how to be devious like Artemis Fowl.
It`s not my fault!
Name: Lauren Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Young fiction
I liked it when her mum and Kitty and her baby brother rushed and they ran to the shops.
Double Act
Name: Ella Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Friends and family
I like the bits where Ruby and Garnet are symetrical. They can do all sorts of things without speaking to each other. The twins only use there own speical language.
The Hodgeheg
Name: Lotte Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Animals
I liked it when the hedgehog gets hit by a car and he has a big bump on his head and he spoke funny.
Sophie Hits Six
Name: Alice Age 8
14 July 2010;Genre: Animals
I liked it when her cat had kittens and she got a puppy and a rabbit. She called the rabbit Beano.