Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • Lies We Sing to the Sea

    Lies We Sing to the Sea

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    29 April 2023;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    Reimaginings of the Greek myths are currently enjoying an explosion in popularity, fuelled in part by Booktok. This debut novel, Lies We Sing to the Sea, is a dazzling example, inspired by, but not a retelling of, the fate of Penelope's hanged maids from Homer's The Odyssey.</...

  • Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Name: Joanna Hewish
    27 April 2023;

    Genre: Adventure

    One of the best teen reads I have read in while. Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists &amp; Flaming Arrows is an absolute work of genius that, speaking as a 33 year old, I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. I can already think of so many of my students who are going to be queuing...

  • The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022

    The Light in Everything

    Name: Eleni Age 14
    26 April 2023;

    Genre: Family & Home

    The Light in Everything was interesting, as the two main characters despised each other, and had very different personalities, yet the author did not seem to prefer one over the other, and both had understandable reasons to dislike one another. The two points of view me...

  • The Immortal Games

    The Immortal Games

    Name: Clare Wilkins
    25 April 2023;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    The Immortal Games is a riveting tale of rivalry and revenge. The titular games are a form of entertainment for the Gods of Olympus - the teenage participants merely pawns in their epic power struggle. Ara and her childhood friend Theron are determined to be selected as 'token...

  • Alex Neptune, Pirate Hunter: Book 2

    Alex Neptune, Pirate Hunter

    Name: Nathan Cox
    25 April 2023;

    Genre: Adventure

    After reading the first Alex Neptune book, Dragon Thief, I couldn't wait to read the next in the series from David Owen and I was far from disappointed, definitely worth the wait! Alex Neptune, Pirate Hunter by Davi...

  • The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei

    The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei

    Name: Wendy Kelly
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: School Stories

    The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei is the first in a new series. It starts with a girl discovering her family is moving from Toronto to Hong Kong because her mum has got a new job. This brings a new home, in a luxurious apartment building and a new private school, which is b...

  • I say Oh, You say No: An interactive, read-aloud story

    I say Oh, You say No: An interactive, read-aloud story

    Name: Nicola Barton
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: Funny Stories

    I say Oh, You say No is very funny and engaging for both young children and the adults reading it. The front cover is very appealing to young children with the marvellous colourful illustrations.  I love the way it gets you involved by asking you to repeat words in the story....

  • The Lonely Book

    The Lonely Book

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: LBGTQ+

    Annie lives in a bookshop with her two mums and her sister, Charlotte. The bookshop is a special place where each morning, a pile of books mysteriously appears on the counter and by the end of every day, each book has found its perfect reader. However, one day, there is a book left over - one...

  • The Rage of the Sea Witch

    The Rage of the Sea Witch

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    When his thoughtless parents leave him at Charles Darwin's house for the holidays, Billy Shaman is unhappy, but not surprised. Every summer, they set off - separately - to explore the world, leaving their son behind. But this time, things turn out very differently when Billy encounters a 200-y...

  • That's MY Flower

    That's My Flower

    Name: Ashley Clayton
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: Animals

    That's My Flower has been enjoyed in Reception and Year 1 and 2, and it is an especially a lovely story to read at this time of year, linking closely to spring time and what happens then. Lots of learning about changes and seasons has been going on in classes and this book def...