Teenagers Book Reviews


  • Crater Lake

    Crater Lake

    Name: Clare Wilkins
    21 January 2020;

    Genre: Horror

    A perfect middle-grade horror featuring zombie teachers, bug-eyed students and a school trip like no other! Lance and his friends are headed for Crater Lake, a supposedly new and innovative activity centre. With his nemesis Ms Hoche in charge and annoying Head Boy Trent for company, Lance feels...

  • The Midnight Swan

    Name: Janet Fisher
    12 January 2020;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    This is the third in Catherine Fisher's trilogy about Seren and the clockwork crow, full of magic and Welsh folklore. I did review the first book The Clockwork Crow (2018), which was very good and this does not disappoint. Seren, Tomos and the Crow are still trying to find the Swan's egg and...

  • Witch

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    11 January 2020;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Evey and her little sister have just witnessed the horrific murder of their mother, a suspected witch, by a band of men. Fleeing for their lives and hunted, they take refuge in the forest and search for the coven, their mother's last instruction ringing in Evey's ears. Once safe, Evey strikes...

  • Evernight


    Name: Clare Wilkins
    06 January 2020;

    Genre: Fantasy

    The Silver King rules the sprawling city of King's Haven. With the aid of his Chief Witch, Mrs Hester, and an army of enslaved white witches, the Silver King's considerable power permeates the city. But a troubling phenomenon is disturbing the king - white witches are being enticed away by the...

  • A Heart So Fierce and Broken

    A Heart So Fierce and Broken

    Name: Lucy Georgeson
    19 December 2019;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well, rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that 'Princess' Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud. Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. Wh...

  • Where the World Ends

    Where the world ends

    Name: Garry W
    18 December 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    I think Where The World Ends is very good book to read as firstly, I have never heard of a place called St Kilda even though it's very close to me and it's where I live in the UK.

  • The Tzar's Curious Runaways

    The Tzar's Curious Runaways

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    17 December 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    It is Russia in 1725 and Tzar Peter is dead. Three children from his Circus of Curiosities are forced to flee the palace and run for their lives. The three children, Katinka the ballet dancer, Alexei the giant and Nikolai the dwarf have to leave everything they know behind them and race across...

  • The Mirroculist Mission

    Name: Linda Brown
    04 November 2019;

    Genre: Fantasy

    It's only been a few weeks since the explosive but successful ending in book one of this wonderful fantasy series, Beyond the Mirror, but for Darwen Arkwright and his friends, Rik and Alex, it feels like forever. When Darwen takes a trip into Silbrica, he is delighted to walk...

  • Rise Up!: The Art of Protest

    RISE UP! The Art of Protest

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    31 October 2019;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    RISE UP! The Art of Protest is a much needed book for today's society and children growing up in uncertain times. The book gives an introduction to this form of protest through art, exploring why it has been used and how it can help. Using six main areas of historical and continuing social issues...

  • The Somerset Tsunami

    The Somerset Tsunami

    Name: Janet Fisher
    21 October 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Set in the Somerset Levels in 1616, and based on the actual event of a tsunami in January 1607, Emma Carroll's The Somerset Tsunami tells of a girl, named Fortune, living in a village of women but for one male, her brother Jem. But these are difficult times and the Protestants...