Teenagers Book Reviews


  • Pax

    Name: Melanie Chadwick
    01 September 2017;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Pax is the story of how a boy and his abandoned fox reunite against all the odds. Despite his father, a 300 mile trek, a broken leg and a war zone, Peter proceeds with unwavering determination to find his fox, Pax. He is reluctantly helped by Vola, who has been damaged by her...

  • The Truth about Celia Frost

    The Truth About Celia Frost

    Name: Mikayla
    31 August 2017;

    Genre: Adventure

    A very interesting plot with a lot of twists. Sol was very nice and a great friend because of the amount of times he saved Celia. Finding out what happened in the end with her disorder and mum was very interesting and had my class talking about it all day. A very good book recommended for kids...



    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    05 August 2017;

    Genre: Suspense & Thrillers

    Greer MacDonald has won a scholarship to the exclusive STAGS but soon realises that the school is run not by the Friars but by the Medievals, a group of six beautiful but deadly sixth formers. With no friends and shunned by even her room mate, Greer makes the mistake of accepting 'The Invitation'...

  • Tender Earth

    Tender Earth

    Name: Rhiannon Cook
    01 June 2017;

    Genre: Personal Growth

    Tender Earth is the most important book I have read in a long time. It is a book of self-discovery, not only for the main character, 12-year-old Laila Levenson, but also for the reader. As Leila navigates her way through a changing family life, a new school and new friends, sh...

  • Tender Earth

    Tender Earth

    Name: Catherine Purcell
    01 June 2017;

    Genre: Personal Growth

    Gentle, beautiful story of Laila Levenson as she struggles to find her place in her family, her friendships and her community.Laila is starting secondary school just as her older brother and sister are leaving home; it's a time of change in the household and Laila is feeling a litt...

  • I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays by Shane Dawson

    I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays by Shane Dawson

    Name: Wesley Age 13
    15 May 2017;

    Genre: Real life

    It's hilarious and very relatable to teenagers and if you like Shane Dawson (who you might know from YouTube) you will definitely like this book.

  • Forever Geek (Geek Girl, Book 6)

    Geek Girl: Forever Geek

    Name: Melanie Chadwick
    06 April 2017;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    The last episode of the popular Geek Girl books is not a disappointment. With all the fun, heartache, accidents, misunderstandings, random facts and great clothes we associate with the inimitable Harriet Masters. All the great characters we have come to love or loathe over the course of the ser...

  • The Nest

    The Nest

    Name: Victoria Dilly
    06 April 2017;

    Genre: Family & Home

    I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading The Nest; it sounded a little creepy and I thought I may not enjoy it as 'creepy' isn't normally my genre of choice! However, I was soon hooked on what turned out to be a very well-written story, which kept you on the edge of...

  • Waiting for Callback: Take Two

    Waiting for Callback Take Two

    Name: Georgie Age 12
    22 March 2017;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Overall, the book was fantastic, giving me a realistic insight into Elektra's messed up life. I loved how much detail the authors put into the book, and the depth of which they thought of the characters. I would give the book 5 stars, due to the detail and fun style of the book.

  • Waiting for Callback: Take Two

    Waiting for Callback Take Two

    Name: Nicola Age 13
    21 March 2017;

    Genre: Friends and family

    The characters are very well developed and also unique, an awesome read for any family member, if they're not old, of course.