Teenagers Book Reviews


  • Skandar and the Phantom Rider: the spectacular sequel to Skandar and the Unicorn Thief

    Skandar and the Phantom Rider

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    01 May 2023;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Having achieved his dream to become a unicorn rider, Skandar Smith is now in his second year at the Eyrie. However, tensions mount as wild unicorns - immortal creatures - are being killed and the words of a truesong, sung at the Saddle Ceremony, seems to cast suspicious eyes in Skandar's direc...

  • The Mona Lisa Mystery (The Butterfly Club 3)

    The Butterfly Club: The Mona Lisa Mystery

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    01 May 2023;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Working for the Butterfly Club, time-travelling thieves Aidan, Luna and Konstantin have already been on two missions into the future and now it is time for their third. In The Mona Lisa Mystery, they are asked to steal a little-known painting called the Mona Lisa from the Louv...

  • Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Name: Joanna Hewish
    27 April 2023;

    Genre: Adventure

    One of the best teen reads I have read in while. Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows is an absolute work of genius that, speaking as a 33 year old, I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish. I can already think of so many of my students who are going to be queuing...

  • The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022

    The Light in Everything

    Name: Eleni Age 14
    26 April 2023;

    Genre: Family & Home

    The Light in Everything was interesting, as the two main characters despised each other, and had very different personalities, yet the author did not seem to prefer one over the other, and both had understandable reasons to dislike one another. The two points of view me...

  • The Immortal Games

    The Immortal Games

    Name: Clare Wilkins
    25 April 2023;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    The Immortal Games is a riveting tale of rivalry and revenge. The titular games are a form of entertainment for the Gods of Olympus - the teenage participants merely pawns in their epic power struggle. Ara and her childhood friend Theron are determined to be selected as 'token...

  • The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei

    The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei

    Name: Wendy Kelly
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: School Stories

    The Not-So-Uniform Life of Holly-Mei is the first in a new series. It starts with a girl discovering her family is moving from Toronto to Hong Kong because her mum has got a new job. This brings a new home, in a luxurious apartment building and a new private school, which is b...

  • The Rage of the Sea Witch

    The Rage of the Sea Witch

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    24 April 2023;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    When his thoughtless parents leave him at Charles Darwin's house for the holidays, Billy Shaman is unhappy, but not surprised. Every summer, they set off - separately - to explore the world, leaving their son behind. But this time, things turn out very differently when Billy encounters a 200-y...

  • Eragon: Book One

    Eragon: Book One

    Name: Theo Age 14
    18 April 2023;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Eragon is a book which world-builds a rich and impactful plain to tell its story upon. Paolini was young when he wrote this first instalment in the four part series, and although a few beginner errors are apparent, his talent and impressive storytelling quickly make up for his small mistakes....

  • Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows

    Name: Rianne Age 14
    18 April 2023;

    Genre: Adventure

    I really like this book because it shows what Robin and little John have to go through after a family dies and how they have to survive in Sherwood forest

  • Skandar and the Phantom Rider: the spectacular sequel to Skandar and the Unicorn Thief

    Skandar and the Phantom Rider

    Name: Jennifer Caddick
    17 April 2023;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Skandar and the Phantom Rider is the stunning sequel to the first Skandar adventure (Skandar and the Unicorn Thief) and is another thrilling, exciting and epic tale set in a world where becoming a Unicorn Rider is the ultimat...