Teenagers Book Reviews


  • The Ember Days

    The Ember Days

    Name: Linda Brown
    12 November 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Well, this wonderful new author has done it once again, as she has turned out another epic adventure in this sequel book to The Harm Tree... After the drama and traumatic events of book one (which I highly recommend you read first) our two strong female protagonists, Ebba and Torny are back to...

  • The Book of Stolen Dreams

    The Book of Stolen Dreams

    Name: Julie Broadbent
    12 November 2021;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Book of Stolen Dreams is a fantastical, rip-roaring adventure from master storyteller David Farr. This is his first time writing for children and he has created a wonderful, magical story that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Set in the land of Krasnia we...

  • The Book of Stolen Dreams

    The Book of Stolen Dreams

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    12 November 2021;

    Genre: Adventure

    Rachel lives with her older brother, Robert and their parents in the city of Brava in the land of Krasnia. Her father is a librarian and works in the North Brava Public Lending Library. When Rachel was just a baby, the Krasnia was taken over by the evil dictator Charles Malstain. He hated chil...

  • Black and British: An Illustrated History

    Black and British: An illustrated history

    Name: Sharon Porter
    11 November 2021;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    David Olusogu says Black and British: An illustrated history is the book he wishes he'd had to read when he was a child. What he hasn't realised is the massive impact his glorious book has had on the children in my class. We had been studying the Romans and Emperor Septimus Se...

  • The Chime Seekers

    The Chime Seekers

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    10 November 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    The Chime Seekers is an enchanting new adventure story from Ross Montgomery. This haunting masterpiece is brimming with magic, quests, acceptance and friendship. The story allows us to step into a world of faerie tricks and hidden danger, a world of peril and adventure. <p...

  • Adam-2


    Name: Aaron Age 11
    08 November 2021;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Adam-2 is the story of a robot with AI caught in a world where Funks (robots who are made to command and do human jobs) and humans are war. The war was created by Adam-1 who reprogrammed robots to kill humans after the humans abused and mistreated robots. Now Adam-2's task to...

  • Great Britons: 50 Amazing People Who Have Called Britain Home

    Great Britons: 50 Amazing People Who Have Called Britain Home

    Name: Jane Rew
    08 November 2021;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    The line-up of famous and non-so-famous in Great Britons: 50 Amazing People Who Have Called Britain Home is fascinating; people from different periods, men and women, different nationalities, ethnicities and faith backgrounds, juxtaposed so that the reader never gets bored, ev...

  • How Was That Built?: The Stories Behind Awesome Structures

    How Was That Built? The Stories Behind Amazing Structures

    Name: Nicki Cleveland
    04 November 2021;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    Have you every wondered how they built the Shard, the Pantheon or the Katse Dam? Or how structures are built underwater? Or why there are so many different types of bridges? Or how building will change in the future? Well, this book will answer all of those questions and more whilst introducin...

  • Fledgling


    Name: Jo Clarke
    02 November 2021;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Wow! Fledgling arrived at my door and I was unable to release it from my grasp! It is moving and mesmerising, weaving a hypnotic spell with eerie elements of gothic horror and steampunk inventiveness with celestial beauty. Set within the Bavarian forest, Fledgling has e...

  • The Midnight Guardians

    The Midnight Guardians

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Col is an evacuee. After the death of his father he has been sent to Buxton to live with his aunt and he is desperate to spend Christmas with his sister, Rose. He thought he had left behind the imaginary friends of his childhood but, unexpectedly, they come to life, bringing bewildering news....