Young Adult Book Reviews


  • The Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse

    Name: Emelia Helliwell
    25 October 2022;

    Genre: Horror

    A twisted tale of a remote island and its lighthouse. Rosie and Jess are spending two weeks with their dad and his new family on the island during the school break. It's the last thing Jess wants to do but if her sister is happy and wants to go, so will she. Whats the worse that could happen?....

  • Daughter of the Pirate King

    Daughter of the Pirate King

    Name: Linda Brown
    06 October 2022;

    Genre: Fantasy

    If you like plenty of action, adventure and a great storyline, then you need to read this first book of the new trilogy by Tricia Levenseller, Daughter of the Pirate King... 17-year-old Alosa is the daughter of the Pirate King. He sends her on a mission to retrieve part...

  • The Haunting of Tyrese Walker

    The Haunting of Tyrese Walker

    Name: Emelia Helliwell
    01 October 2022;

    Genre: Horror

    The Haunting of Tyrese Walker, set in Jamaica, follows a boy in the depths of grief and who is taken to visit his 'Grammy' in Jamaica. What his mother hopes will help him with his grief only seems to make Tyreese more closed off. From the moment they arrived at Grammy's...

  • The Haunting of Tyrese Walker

    The Haunting Of Tyrese Walker

    Name: Morgan Harkin
    24 September 2022;

    Genre: Horror

    The chilling young adult novel by J P Rose follows the story of a young boy from Manchester, entrapped by emotions following his father's death, the young boy travels to Jamaica to see his grandmother and family. After the reminder of his father's life in the family home rapidly affects Tyrese...

  • Mina and the Slayers

    Mina and the Slayers

    Name: Clair Bossons
    15 September 2022;

    Genre: Supernatural

    Mina and the Slayers is the hotly awaited sequel to Mina and the Undead. It is in this sequel that Mina meets 'The Slayers' for the first time. Set just three months after Fang Fest, Mina is only just getting used to being in a relatio...

  • Wranglestone


    Name: Emelia Helliwell
    10 September 2022;

    Genre: Dystopian

    Wranglestone is set in a post-apocalyptic America after a plague has brought back the dead, and follows the lives of people surviving in a settlement. Peter and his dad are living by a lake when, one evening, Peter allows a stranger to come far to close, not realising the dang...

  • Nothing More to Tell

    Nothing More to Tell

    Name: Azra Age 14
    10 September 2022;

    Genre: Suspense & Thrillers

    I enjoyed reading this thriller. It is set in a small town where a much-loved teacher has been murdered and the world tries to move on - until a former student moves back and starts uncovering the secrets of the teacher and his murder. The author shows what is happening from the perspective of...


    HAWKS (Stags 5)

    Name: Azra Age 14
    05 September 2022;

    Genre: Suspense & Thrillers

    I loved HAWKS and I was disappointed when I finished it. The book is about the last battle between 'Medievals' and 'Savages' and is set in Scotland. It was thrilling to read and every paged kept me hooked on to the next. The book shows the darkness of privilege and how people will do anything...

  • The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester

    The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester

    Name: Louise Baker
    05 September 2022;

    Genre: LBGTQ+

    Collected stories, a decades-long murder mystery, new friendships, and themes of healing and self-discovery - with a little of the supernatural thrown in. Yep, The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester has everything you could hope for from a contemporary YA novel. First of a...

  • Once Upon a Fever

    Once Upon a Fever

    Name: Louise Baker
    05 September 2022;

    Genre: Fantasy

    In an alternative, fantasy world where emotions themselves are sought to be cured for fear of the illnesses they cause, Once Upon A Fever takes its young readers on a magical journey of self-discovery. Once Upon a Fever beautifully - and metaphorically - tackles the subject of...