Young Adult Book Reviews


  • A Throne of Swans

    A Throne of Swans

    Name: Tanja Jennings
    02 February 2020;

    Genre: Fantasy

    From the elegant cover featuring a 3D model of a specially designed throne and a lone feather to its pages filled with Machiavellian machinations, teen angst, secrets, love, betrayal, sacrifice and intricate world building involving avian transformation, 'A Throne of Swans' delivers a rich YA tre...

  • A Throne of Swans

    A Throne of Swans

    Name: Linda Brown
    01 February 2020;

    Genre: Fantasy

    This wonderful story takes place in the fantasy kingdom of Solanum, ( beautifully illustrated map and family tree at the beginning, always a plus!) where the nobles can transform into birds and the lower class are defined as 'flightless'. Aderyn, the main protagonist of this story lives in Atraty...

  • Witch

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    11 January 2020;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Evey and her little sister have just witnessed the horrific murder of their mother, a suspected witch, by a band of men. Fleeing for their lives and hunted, they take refuge in the forest and search for the coven, their mother's last instruction ringing in Evey's ears. Once safe, Evey strikes...

  • A Heart So Fierce and Broken

    A Heart So Fierce and Broken

    Name: Lucy Georgeson
    19 December 2019;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well, rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that 'Princess' Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud. Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. Wh...

  • Wayward Son

    Wayward Son

    Name: Lucy Georgeson
    14 October 2019;

    Genre: Adventure

    The story is supposed to be over. Simon Snow did everything he was supposed to do. He beat the villain. He won the war. He even fell in love. Now comes the good part, right? Now comes the happily ever after . . . So why can't Simon Snow get off the couch? What he needs, according to his best f...

  • The Places I've Cried in Public

    The Places I've Cried in Public

    Name: Linda Brown
    09 October 2019;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    Holly Bourne has once again produced a story regarding young adult issues that is at times hard to read, but is emotive and totally honest... The story follows 16 year old Amelie (who is also the narrator of this emotive read) who has recently moved away from all that she knows due to her pare...

  • The Stone of Destiny: A Four Treasures Novel (Book 1)

    Name: Stephen Leitch
    01 October 2019;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    Selkies, kelpies, changelings, ceasgs, an evil faerie queen and a magic stone all feature in this mythical and magical adventure novel The Stone of Destiny by Caroline Logan.Alisa, an outcast from society because of her birthmark on her face and an alleged changeli...

  • All Fall Down

    Name: Joanne Hewish
    30 September 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    I love a good historical fiction novel and this one did not disappoint. All Fall Down is a gripping narrative that will have you hooked right from the offset; the moment I read the blurb for this novel, I could already think of at least 10 of my students who will be queuing up...

  • All Fall Down

    Name: Lynsey Southern
    29 September 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    All Fall Down opens in the Yorkshire village of Ingleforn with the prophetic account of how that year it rained every day, the sheep died and the crops failed and how as the year progresses, the stories that the travellers to Ingleforn share with the news-hungry villagers chan...

  • All Fall Down

    All Fall Down

    Name: Jacob Age 11
    28 September 2019;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Because it is fantastical and yet shocking about what had happened at the time of King Edward and how many were not immune to the illness.