Latest Reviews


  • The Last Tree

    The Last Tree

    Name: Sharon Porter
    02 November 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    My children initially thought that because The Last Tree was a picture book, that it would be a simple book. They were very surprised. The main theme of the book is about the earth only having a limited amount of resources and once they're all gone, that's it. The fact...

  • The Midnight Guardians

    The Midnight Guardians

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Col is an evacuee. After the death of his father he has been sent to Buxton to live with his aunt and he is desperate to spend Christmas with his sister, Rose. He thought he had left behind the imaginary friends of his childhood but, unexpectedly, they come to life, bringing bewildering news....

  • Once Upon A Broken Heart: the New York Times bestseller

    Once Upon a Broken Heart

    Name: Linda Brown
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    This new title by the wonderful Stephanie Garber is a spin off from her amazing fantasy series Caraval. Believe me when I say, that this too leaves you wanting more. Loved it, couldn't put it down! Evangeline Fox has always believed in having a 'happy ever after'. However, life doesn't always...

  • By Rowan and Yew

    By Rowan and Yew

    Name: Bryony Davies
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    By Rowan and Yew is written by Melissa Harrison. A follow up to last year’s By Ash, Oak and Thorn, this is a beautiful book and excellent sequel (although you don't need to have read the first book). This book picks up on Moss,...

  • A Secret in Time

    A Secret in Time

    Name: Ellen Green
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    A Secret in Time is a high-stakes, wintry story that takes us back in time to 1947 and an intriguing glimpse into life at that time, as well as a high stakes adventure for siblings Alex and Ruby, with life-threatening dangers and a reputation to save. When Alex and Ruby...

  • Fledgling


    Name: Louisa Farrow
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Cassie Engel's home life is unusual. Her mother is an eccentric opera singer who spends most of her day singing and her father, broken by the war, takes refuge in drink and taxidermy. They live in a tall house built by her great grandfather on top of a tall rock, reached by a helter skelter ro...

  • The Blue Giant

    The Blue Giant

    Name: Sharon Porter
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    I read The Blue Giant as an introduction to the COP26 Glasgow meeting which started this week. We had a lot of discussions about the huge amount of rubbish which ends up in the sea. It was important that the book showed what a small change made by just two people, Meera and he...

  • Rita Wants a Witch

    Rita Wants a Witch

    Name: Maria Faithorn
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Picture Books

    Rita wants a witch! A witch wouldn't make her go to bed, be clean, wash up or do homework. Rita could help her witch with magic potions and spells. A witch could teach bullies a lesson and turn teachers into frogs! Rita's wishes turn to thoughts. She hopes her witch wouldn't be too spoo...

  • Shadow Town

    Shadow Town

    Name: Ruth Cornish
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Shadow Town is primarily an adventure filled with fantasy and mystery. It is also a powerful thriller with psychological layers which become apparent towards the end of the book, enabling the reader to make connections between the protagonist's real life and the imaginary worl...

  • The Boy Who Got Accidentally Famous

    The Boy Who Got Accidentally Famous

    Name: Samantha Phillips
    01 November 2021;

    Genre: Funny Stories

    Billy is an ordinary eleven year old school boy, who lives with his perfectly ordinary parents and his ten-month-old sister, Lisa, who is also ordinary. Everything about Billy was ordinary; at school he wasn't top of his class, or bottom. He wasn't good at sport, or bad either. He was neither...