Latest Reviews


  • Feast of the Evernight

    Feast of the Evernight

    Name: Donna Ritchie
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    This sequel to Evernight certainly doesn't disappoint. Larabelle Fox is back, along with Joe (fellow tosher), Bernie Whitecrow and Double Eight, as well as new intriguing characters such as Ivy and Director Younger. Al...

  • Cardboard Cowboys

    Cardboard Cowboys

    Name: Matthew Age 11
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Lenny is the main character in Cardboard Cowboys, starting on the next big step in his education journey but bullied because of his size. His self-deprecating view of himself troubles the reader as we see a turbulent home life impacting so strongly on Lenny's mental well-being...

  • Professor Wooford McPaw's History of Cars

    Professor Wooford McPaw's History of Cars

    Name: Lizi Backhouse
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    Want to learn about cars? Lucky for you Professor Wooford McPaw is extremely knowledgeable and will take you back in time to learn all about cars, from their initial design to what it expected in the future. This is a really informative book; it's easy to understand although there is a lot of...

  • The Yearbook

    The Yearbook

    Name: Sharon Bolton
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Bullying

    Paige is used to being a non-entity at school and at home, she gets on with her life trying not to draw attention to herself. Her home life is traumatic; she is a victim of emotional abuse and neglect whose brother is idolised whilst she is at best ignored. Paige is a Year 11 student wh...

  • Witches Steeped in Gold

    Witches Steeped in Gold

    Name: Linda Brown
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Witches Steeped in Gold is a debut novel, about two witches seeking revenge for completely different reasons. Two powerful girls from different sides join together to destroy a common enemy, what could possibly go wrong? The story is told in alternating chapters between these...

  • The Supreme Lie

    The Supreme Lie

    Name: Clare Wilkins
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    When flooding devastates Afalia and its capital Praesto City is forced to barricade itself behind floodgates, cowardly leader, Madame Suprema, escapes on one of the last trains heading North. Left behind and powerless, her downtrodden husband, Timor is forced into action. With Timor's help, lo...

  • How to Talk to a Tiger... and other animals: How Critters Communicate in the Wild

    How To Talk To A Tiger And Other Animals

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Animals

    How to Talk to a Tiger by Jason Bittel is a beautiful non-fiction book all about how animals communicate. From the very first page, communication is at the heart of this book which seeks to remind you of the stark differences between how humans and animals interact. Thi...

  • A Song of Gladness: A story of hope for us and our planet

    A Song of Gladness - a story of hope for us and our planet

    Name: Jemma Jeffrey
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    A Song of Gladness is a beautiful book that celebrates the amazing variety of life on Earth. It is a story of hope and love for our planet. From a blackbird in an English garden, to a whale in the deep blue, from roaring lions on the African savanna to the tiny ladybirds, this...

  • Pierre's New Hair

    Pierre's New Hair

    Name: Maria Faithorn
    01 May 2021;

    Genre: Picture Books

    Pierre's New Hair is a bear who loves hair! When his hair looks fantastic he feels it too. His idols, the Poodle Squad, have fantastic hair and he dreams of one day proving that bears can have this hair too. News spreads that the Poodle Squad are judging this year's roller ska...

  • The Supreme Lie

    The Supreme Lie

    Name: Catherine Purcell
    30 April 2021;

    Genre: Environment & Nature

    In The Supreme Lie, it's 1928 and Afalia faces a natural disaster. Unprecedented rain coupled with unimaginable quantities of snowmelt from volcanic activity has caused the Furca River to burst its banks. The entirety of the Furca river basin, the forests, the sawmills, the we...