Latest Reviews
The Star in the Forest
Name: Wendy Kelly
06 May 2021;Genre: Personal Growth
This Star in the Forest is a beautiful book which calls for as much time unpicking the illustrations as it does the text. Maisie and Pip are sisters who spot a falling star and go on a night time walk through the forest to find it. Pip is more cautious and worries about...
Out to Sea
Name: Wendy Kelly
06 May 2021;Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing
Lara is a little girl whose grandma has died. Her grief overwhelms her, isolates her and her tears create a river that carries her out to sea on a little boat. She spends weeks trapped and alone, not noticing the sea creatures around her, watching over her silently from the corners of the page...
News Hounds: The Puppy Problem
Name: Megan Webb
06 May 2021;Genre: Animals
Gizmo was a city dog until he moved to a village called Puddle. When exploring his new home, he meets another dog called Jilly, who is in need of urgent help. It is up to Gizmo to think of a way to ensure Jilly's puppies do not leave Puddle. This is a hilarious book about what dogs get...
The Life and Time of Lonny Quicke
Name: Jacqueline Harris
06 May 2021;Genre: Fairy Tales & Folk Tales
Lonny lives in the forest, away from the town of Farstoke. He lives with his little brother Midge, his father and grandfather and is home-schooled. The reason is because he is a lifeling; someone who can literally give life to others, to animals or people. The cost of this, however, is at the...
The Plesiosaur's Neck
Name: Lucy Newton
06 May 2021;Genre: Non Fiction
A lovely book! The Plesiosaur's Neck starts with a double page introducing the characters that are involved including Poppy Plesiosaur, Alfie Ammonite and Bella Belemnite. As the story starts, it introduces Poppy Plesiosaur by explaining how she would have moved through the oc...
The Infinity Files
Name: Catherine Purcell
06 May 2021;Genre: Science Fiction
I've not read much sci-fi, not because I don't like it exactly, more because there are so many fabulous books and given a choice I never really strayed into the genre. Not such a promising start for a review of a sci-fi book I hear you cry but bear with, I really enjoyed The Infinity F...
Name: Jacqueline Harris
06 May 2021;Genre: Representation & Inclusion
Silas is bullied at school because he cannot get the words out properly. One day, on his way home, he meets a wolf. The wolf is injured and Silas helps it. Shortly afterwards, he encounters a gang of foxes and discovers the hidden world of the forest. He discovers that the wolves are the last...
Doctor Bing: A Vaccination Story
Name: Kyle Matravers
06 May 2021;Genre: Non Fiction
Doctor Bing: A Vaccination Story Bing is off to the see Dr Molly but before he goes, it is his turn to play doctor. Bing has lots of fun playing the part of doctor and even explains to Flop what a vaccination is and how it helps your body. This is done is such a way in the sto...
The Last Gate of the Emperor
Name: Jane Rew
06 May 2021;Genre: Fantasy
I enjoyed the humour and imagined conversations between Yared (the main male character) and The Iris (his female rival and soon-to-be friend). I also enjoyed the surprises round every corner, the characters being almost as multi-dimensional as the setting, with its HKO (Hunt for Kaleb's Obelis...
An Escape in Time
Name: Donna Ritchie
06 May 2021;Genre: Historical Fiction
Alex and Ruby are once again transported by the magic mirror in Applecott House to a different period in history. One of the things I love about these books is that Sally Nicholls, through her stories, manages to present information about what life was like in the past in a way that is easy fo...