Latest Reviews


  • Books Make Good Pets

    Name: Kyle Matravers
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Picture Books

    Books make good pets and don't need going to the vet.The idea and vision of this book is clear to see and I can see what the author has tried to achieve. But for me, he has missed the mark with his target audience. The book is recommended for 3-5 year olds, however...

  • BOOT: The Creaky Creatures: Book 3

    Name: Samantha Phillips
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Adventure

    Boot The Creaky Creature is book three in this fab series by Shane Hegarty; however, it is written in such a way that it reads just as well as a 'standalone'.Boot is a delightful robot who having been cast aside by his owner, Beth, years earlier, now lives with his...

  • Kicking Off: Dick, Kerr Girls

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    I have categorised this lovely book as historical fiction, but it covers so many themes - family, friendship and sport among others.Kicking Off: Dick, Kerr Girls begins in 1917, during the First world War. Hettie Blakeford is 15, she lives with her mother, father a...

  • Special Forces Cadets 5: Hijack

    Name: Stephen Leitch
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Falkland Islands are the setting for the latest adventure in the Chris Ryan Special Forces Cadets series. Teenagers Max, Abby, Lukas, Sami and Lili are working undercover for the British government posing as a group of wildlife tourists in the Falkand Islands, whose real mission is to inve...

  • Jeremy Worried About the Wind

    Name: Maria Faithorn
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Like many children, Jeremy worries! Jeremy lives his life worrying about odd socks, evil squirrels, spotty bananas, but most of all, the wind. He does his best to avoid all types of potential danger. Until one day, he meets Maggie. Maggie doesn't worry. Maggie isn't scared of anything. And thi...

  • The Goody

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    In The Goody, Chirton Krauss is the good child in his family, always completing chores and eating his vegetables. His sister, Myrtle, is the naughty child who never does as she's told. One day Chirton decides he has had enough of being good and decides to behave differently, c...

  • Little Goose's Autumn

    Name: Maria Faithorn
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Picture Books

    As summer fades to autumn, the little goose feels that there is something that she needs to do. But what is it? With suggestions from her friends - beaver, squirrel and bear - about how they prepare for the change in seasons, she realises that these preparations are not for her.She...

  • Fabulously Feisty Queens: 15 of the brightest and boldest women who have ruled the world

    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    Fabulously Feisty Queens is a recollection about 15 of the most bright, brave, and brilliant female rulers in history by Valerie Wilding. From ancient empresses and warrior queens to fearsome pirates and modern-day monarchs, this book explores the lives of powerful females tha...

  • Girl from the Sea

    Name: Susan Wilsher
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Family & Home

    Who lives in that cottage by the sea? /I wish. I wish. I wish it was me./This is one of those delicious books that are a gift to a teacher with a curious class. The book opens with a monochromatic spread showing a boat floundering in the sea and a circle of ripples as if some...

  • The Book of Not Entirely Useful Advice

    The Book of Not Entirely Useful Advice

    Name: Alison Kelly
    03 September 2020;

    Genre: Poetry

    What a treat! This substantial anthology with its vivid yellow cover features 'Spectacularly silly poems' by the wonderful AF Harrold, illustrations by the equally wonderful Mini Grey and a dedication to Roger McGough and Brian Patten. What's not to like?For some serious silliness...