Latest Reviews


  • The Oceanic Times

    The Oceanic Times

    Name: Emily Marcuccilli
    23 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Oceanic Times is very different from any other non-fiction books about marine life that I have read. It has been designed to echo the layout and style of a newspaper, however this is a newspaper with a difference, for its readership appears to be sea creatures themselves! For example, 'comp...

  • The Rhythm of the Rain

    The Rhythm of the Rain

    Name: Helen Smythe
    23 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is a stunning picture book, and there are so many ways it can be shared with children. The story follows Issac and the jar of water he empties into a pool, from where it takes the reader on a journey following those drops of water through rivers and into seas, across oceans to frozen landsc...

  • Square


    Name: Ellen Green
    23 May 2018;

    Square is the follow-up book to Triangle by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen, in which Triangle plays a trick on his friend Square. This latest picture book takes us into more philosophical territory, exploring the nature of art and what makes an artist, and is again beautifully illustrated by Barnett...

  • Caterpillar to Butterfly: Open Out and Create a Giant Life-Cycle

    Caterpillar to Butterfly

    Name: Ellen Green
    23 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    There are a lot of books about the life cycle of a butterfly for young children but what I liked about this one - published in association with the RSPB - is that the pages fold out as you cover each stage of a caterpillar's growth - so, by the end of the book, you have a beautiful butterfly surr...

  • Chicken on the Roof

    Chicken on the Roof

    Name: Alison Kelly
    22 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is Matt Goodfellow's second anthology: it brings together humour, lyricism and contemplation with a voice that never fails to engage. As well as writing poetry, he is well known for his performances so it's not surprising that so many of the poems lend themselves to joyful and robust perform...

  • The Story of Tantrum O'Furrily

    The Story of Tantrum O'Furrily

    Name: Fiona Collins
    22 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    Cressida Cowell has written a gentle narrative about a mother cat, Tantrum O'Furrily, telling her three kittens a story about Smallpaw, who is a young cat well looked after and cherished but seeking adventure with the stray cats who live outside her home. Her owner, Mrs Worrykin, does not like th...

  • Simon Sock

    Simon Sock

    Name: Fiona Collins
    22 May 2018;

    Simon Sock is stripy and alone. All the other socks in the sock drawer have partners, which means they can have adventures when they are worn. Simon dreams of being picked but he isn't chosen because, as the Spotty socks tell him, he is odd! Ted, the Teddy Bear, tries to help; he introduces Simon...

  • The Prehistoric Times

    The Prehistoric Times

    Name: Sam Phillips
    21 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Prehistoric Times gives its reader an insight to the age of the dinosaur, providing a light-hearted overview of the species in its unique newspaper format. With easy access to smart phones, tablets and laptops, I no longer have the need to read a 'real newspaper'. The days when most families...

  • Bugs!

    Explorer: Bugs!

    Name: Emily Marcuccilli
    21 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    This book is part of a series published in association with the Natural History. Already familiar with the tremendous Wallbooks from What On Earth Publishing, I was eager to dive into this new series to find out more about this new offering. The style is delightfully retro; the reader is swiftly...

  • Ventura Saga: The Truth of Different Skies: Book 3

    The Truth of Different Skies

    Name: Clair Bossons
    21 May 2018;

    Genre: Adventure

    I love, love, loved this book! It was devoured in one sitting. The Truth of Different Skies is a prequel to The Loneliness of Distant Beings and The Glow of Fallen Stars and somehow I had missed out on reading these books when they were released. I am longing to read the rest of the series now....