Latest Reviews
Friends for a Day
Name: Gail Lenton
20 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
This is a lovely picture book about friendship and helping one another, as well as delivering a gentle environmental message. Bear spends his days in solitude on a mountainside, wondering what are the bright lights he can see in the distance. Then a bug bumps into him and pleads with him to take...
Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory
Name: Alice Ewell
20 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
This picture book is just fabulous across all age ranges! It explores commercialism, exploitation, factory production and of course, chocolate. It is also very, very funny! Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory begins with a question, 'How do you think chocolate eggs are made?' and goes on to explain how...
Name: Emily Marcuccilli
18 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
When you first spot this beautiful book on a bookshop shelf you will know that this is something entirely out of the ordinary. Handling it, you cannot fail to be curious about its ominously monochrome palette, complete with black edges. The story itself is told through the experiences of two...
Look out, it's a Dragon!
Name: Lizi Backhouse
18 February 2018;This is a great book that features Saffi, a dragon unlike other dragons. Saffi simply wants to live somewhere comfortable and make friends with other animals - however, they're all put off by her appearance and her fiery sneezes! Poor Saffi remains lonely until the other animals are in danger an...
The Nothing To See Here Hotel
Name: Sam Phillips
16 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
This book is a real deal breaker for any reluctant reader! A real laugh out loud tale of weird and wonderful ghosts, ghouls and goblins. A delightful story told by a young boy called Frankie Bannister whose parents run The Nothing to see Here Hotel. This magical hotel stands in plain sight on th...
Teacup House, Meet The Twitches
Name: Sam Phillips
16 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
Meet the Twitches is a lovely story book that would be a pleasure to share with any young story enthusiast. Its delightful plot unfolds revealing a family of four tiny, magical, toy rabbits; The Twitches. The Twitches live inside a Teacup House; a special gift that is given to a young girl call...
Blast Off! Out of this World Poems
Name: Alison Kelly
15 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
This is Carole Bromley's first anthology for children (published by a new imprint Small Donkey Books) and a very welcome addition to the world of children's poetry it is too. It has children - their interests, their concerns, their sense of the ridiculous - firmly at its heart. The title poem, Bl...
STEM Starters: Science / Art
Name: Sue Wilsher
12 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
Stem Starters: Science and Stem Starters: Art - Designed to encourage boys and girls from all backgrounds take an interest in the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), these two books from the series offer a range of activities to engage and inspire. The Science Activity B...
The Travels of Ermine
Name: Emily Beale
10 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
Ermine is on a trip around the world, first stop New York City and the home of Michael Megabanks. Recently adopted by the Grand Duchess Maria Von Schnitzel, Ermine has become her protege and is fortunate to be completing her education whilst travelling and visiting the friends of the Duke and Duc...
The Great Gran Plan
Name: Nikki Stiles
08 February 2018;Genre: Adventure
A brilliant new twist on some of our favourite traditional tales. In this refreshing story we don't see a scared little pig hiding from the big bad wolf, oh no, this time our bashful third little pig is bold and brave and stands up to the wolf telling him 'you can blow till you're blue, but you'l...