Latest Reviews
The Legend of Podkin One Ear
Name: Jennifer Caddick
01 June 2017;Genre: Fantasy
The legend of Podkin One Ear is an epic storytelling 'tale within a tale' that has a classic and timeless appeal from its very first line. It is the story set in the world of rabbit communities where evil forces fight against the natural order, kindness and inherent goodness o...
Tender Earth
Name: Rhiannon Cook
01 June 2017;Genre: Personal Growth
Tender Earth is the most important book I have read in a long time. It is a book of self-discovery, not only for the main character, 12-year-old Laila Levenson, but also for the reader. As Leila navigates her way through a changing family life, a new school and new friends, sh...
Tender Earth
Name: Catherine Purcell
01 June 2017;Genre: Personal Growth
Gentle, beautiful story of Laila Levenson as she struggles to find her place in her family, her friendships and her community.Laila is starting secondary school just as her older brother and sister are leaving home; it's a time of change in the household and Laila is feeling a litt...
Name: Alex Age 8
30 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
This book, grips you from the start with its captivating characters and unique narrative structure. It shows you what life is like during an epidemic with a mysterious plot which leaves you gasping for more.
Bob's best ever friend
Name: Joanna Hewish
28 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
A truly heart-warming story that all readers - children and adults alike - will be thrilled to read this wonderful tale. This story is a companion to 'Man on the Moon - a day in the life of Bob' (both newly re-issued by Templar) and the stories are purely delightful to read. The illustrations ar...
Man on the Moon
Name: Joanna Hewish
28 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
'Everyone knows there aren't any aliens.' Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob (newly re-issued by Templar) is a truly wonderful piece of art and story alike. Simon Bartram (author and illustrator) fully engages an audience of any age, you will never tire of reading this story. The illustr...
the stars at oktober bend
Name: Clair Bossons
26 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
This book is beautifully written and has a unique style. The writing is very poetic and is something to be savoured when you have a quiet moment. The main character Alice has brain damage. It is thought that she will always remain with a mental age of 12 and she struggles with seizures and the...
Here Be Witches
Name: Charlotte Age 13
26 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
Book of lies
Name: Linda brown
23 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
A truth, a lie to live, or die... Book of Lies follows Quinn and Piper, identical twin sisters who have never met but, due to the death of their mother, they are thrust together. However, one of the twins is filled with a darkness that will supposedly be the undoing of the other... As the story...
Name: Emma Green
22 May 2017;Genre: Adventure
Fans will be thrilled to see a new Cat Clarke novel and her latest is set at an isolated girls' boarding school - the perfect setting to capture the intensity and angst of teenaged girl friendships. When Harper joins the school's sixth form, she is still grieving the death of her twin sister to a...