Latest Reviews


  • The Colour Thief

    The Colour Thief

    Name: Fiona Collins
    17 September 2014;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Colour Thief is a delightful picture book about Zot, who comes from another planet where there is no colour. The story tells of Zot travelling to a colourful planet because he thinks that the colour would make the planet a happy place. Once on the planet he decides to steal all the colour, on...

  • The Battles of Ben Kingdom: The City of Fear

    Battles of Ben Kingdom: City of Fear

    Name: June Hughes
    10 September 2014;

    Genre: Adventure

    The City of Fear is the third in the series of books featuring Ben Kingdom and the Watchers and their battles against the forces of evil and wickedness, known as the Legion. It follows the pattern of the previous books, following the action over a period of five days. Little snippets of backgroun...

  • Now You See Me

    Now You See Me

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    09 September 2014;

    Genre: Adventure

    When Danny Geller goes missing unexpectedly at the age of thirteen his family never give up hope of finding him and three years later he reappears, older, taller and very different from the young boy that disappeared. His best friend and neighbour, Hannah, cannot reconcile this new Danny with her...

  • The Manifesto on How to be Interesting

    The Manifesto on how to be Interesting

    Name: Lorraine Ansell
    08 September 2014;

    Genre: Real life

    At the start of this book I had written it off as another predictable 'chick lit' school book and was ready to hate everything about it including the garish cover. However I found myself being immersed in the world of Bree and it took me back to those anguished school days when it was easy to fee...

  • Ogres Don't Dance

    Ogres don't dance

    Name: Ashwina Age 8
    06 September 2014;

    Genre: Friends and family

    I Liked the part when the ogre went inside a dancing room full of humans dancing away through the sky lit night.

  • Heartbreak Cafe 1: No Experience Required

    Heartbreak Cafe

    Name: Melanie Chadwick
    06 September 2014;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Teen girls will love this. Debbie comes from a wealthy American family and has everything- lovely house, flashy car, a boyfriend whos heading to Harvard after his senior year, posh school and a mother who does everything for her. Then everything changes when her father leaves to become a writer...

  • Witchworld


    Name: Janet Fisher
    06 September 2014;

    Genre: Adventure

    Flo has a problem grandmother who does not seem to want to live in the modern age and has a habit of arriving on her broomstick and causing havoc. Flo's very modern mother, the a high-flying magazine editor of Hocus Pocus, has offered her mother all mod cons including a spellstick - but to no av...

  • The Diamond Brothers in The Falcon's Malteser

    The Falcon's Malteser

    Name: Holly Age 11
    26 August 2014;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    I love the thrill of been able to try and work out the murderer without it being really easy!

  • Sleepless


    Name: Caroline MItchell
    19 August 2014;

    Genre: Adventure

    Izzy and her friends attend a school where second place just is not good enough. With exams coming up the group don't know if they can handle the pressure until one of them finds the solution "FokusPro". The pills turn up from a mysterious website and seem to be everything they promise until th...

  • Frozen Charlotte

    Frozen Charlotte

    Name: Caroline Mitchell
    19 August 2014;

    Genre: Horror

    When Sophie and her best friend Jay use a Ouija board app on his mobile phone, the events which follow are darker than either could ever have imagined. Jay asks when he will die and the app responds "TONIGHT..." What starts out as a joke leads to death, mysteries and drama at every turn. This...