Latest Reviews


  • Everybody Jam

    Everybody Jam

    Name: Florence Age 13
    03 May 2012;

    Genre: Adventure

    This book blew me away. The title fooled me at first, but beneath the cover is an amazing plot, full with wonderfully realistic characters, struggling to survive in a harsh world. They were perfectly described and developed, and I felt as if I really knew them. 'Everybody Jam' is so real, yo...

  • A Monster Calls

    A Monster Calls

    Name: Ben Age 13
    03 May 2012;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    I found that the story line was very dramatic and entertaining while at the same time grim and emotional. I truly felt sorry for Conor but I cant really say I can relate to him. The Monsters Stories are fairy tale-like, but unlike any fairy tale you have ever read! They are twisting ,deceptive...

  • A Monster Calls

    A Monster Calls

    Name: James Age 15
    03 May 2012;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    The plot is fairly fast paced and engaging because you are always intrigued as to the nature of the monster's next visit, and what he will further reveal about his purpose. Furthermore, the 13-year-old's eerily returning dream is shrouded in secrecy for the majority of the book, which, subsequ...

  • A Monster Calls

    A Monster Calls

    Name: Bernadette Cameron
    03 May 2012;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    'A Monster Calls' is a masterly piece of writing and is both traumatic and reassuring in equal measure. It examines grief, loss and finally acceptance through the eyes of Conor, a young boy, who is gradually trying to come to terms with the imminent demise of his Mother. Patrick Ness demonstra...

  • Bugville: 1


    Name: James Age 10
    08 April 2012;

    Genre: Adventure

    This book is very funny and has a big slug in it who burps and shoots sparks from his tentacles. Superfly is the hero but Midge does all the work.

  • Missing Mummy: A Book About Bereavement

    Missing Mummy

    Name: Natalie J.
    23 March 2012;

    Genre: Friends and family

    With the opening line of 'some time ago we said goodbye to Mummy. I am not sure where she has gone', the reader is drawn into the range of emotions felt by a young boy (about three) who is trying to understand and come to terms with his mother's death. The beautiful colour illustrations, also d...

  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom Of The Opera

    Name: Anastaisia Age 15
    30 January 2012;

    Genre: Supernatural

    Unlike most classics this book is easy to read. Many questions surround the infamous and mysterious Phantom Of The Opera, who is he and what is he? You always want to know what will happen next and if Rhoal can get any closer to saving the love of his life. It has a cleverly written and in-depth...

  • Classic boxed set

    The Hunger Games Trilogy

    Name: Anastasia Age 15
    30 January 2012;

    Genre: Adventure

    The first book is incredable with so many unexpected twists and suprises and it keeps you turning the page. The 2nd book also keeps you interested with unexpected circumstances although it lacks a little compared to its predessor. The 3rd and final book, the conclusion of the rebellion, starts o...

  • Itch


    Name: Florence Age 13
    29 January 2012;

    Genre: Adventure

    This is a fast paced, exciting book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I enjoyed the science parts of the book and found it to be a great read. I discovered lots of things about science that I didnt know about. I think the book would appeal to anyone who loves science, but it is such...

  • Itch


    Name: Christopher Age 13
    29 January 2012;

    Genre: Adventure

    I thought the book had a great story line and a thrilling climax. I also liked the fact that there was a lot of scientific information in the book which for a science nerd like me made it even better. Things that I disliked were the fact that sometimes the author deviated from the main story line...