Latest Reviews
white crow
Name: persil Age 14
11 November 2010;Genre: Supernatural
I would recommend this book as it is enthralling and an easy read. It is quick moving and full of meaning and the truth of how life can be and what can happen and how friendship changes everything.
Name: Anastaisia
06 November 2010;Genre: Fantasy
Reckless is an exciting book because you always want to know what happens next. I recommend this book because it gets you hooked right from the first page and the ideas in this book are wonderful and strange.
white crow
Name: Alice Age 15
04 November 2010;Genre: Supernatural
This is a very morbid book,but is really good and makes you think. Not realy suitable for readers under the age of 11.
Mortal Engines
Name: Daniel Age 12
04 November 2010;This fastpaced and imaginative, this book tells a tale of Sci-Fi adventure with a hint of romance.
My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece
Name: Rosie Age 13
26 October 2010;Genre: Friends and family
I loved this book because it is one of the few books that have made me cry. Yet it still has an uplifting theme of hope which carries you through the sad moments. I couldn't put this book down but not because it is action packed, not because it is frightening and not because its exciting just bec...
Skullduggery Pleasant Mortal Coil
Name: Cameron Age 14
19 October 2010;Genre: Fantasy
It is the best book in the world :) and it has a gripping plot. The characters are unique and they also have their own individual backgrounds. This book is ideal for teenagers for both genders. The language is relatively simple. There is a lot of action in it to make you not want to put the bo...
Name: Joshua Age 12
18 October 2010;Genre: Supernatural
Because it has something for everybody; romance; action and horror.
The Red Pyramid - Kane Chronicles
Name: Ben Age 13
18 October 2010;I would recommend this book because it is thrilling and it is a book you cant put down.
Name: Josh Age 13
18 October 2010;Genre: Real life
The reason why I recommend this book to you is because Ross uses good english technics.
Pretty Bad Things
Name: Rosie Age 13
14 October 2010;Genre: Real life
I personally loved this book. Whilst it is quite grown up with lots of sexual references and a swear word on nearly every page it has a lot of character and you cannot put it down. The story is constantly gripping and you can really feel everything beau and paisley are portrayed to be feeling. I...