Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • Maybe Later, Georgie

    Maybe Later, Georgie

    Name: Samantha Hughes
    03 April 2024;

    Genre: Family & Home

    Maybe Later, Georgie is another sensitively written book by the author Luke Scriven. This time, the author turns his attention to the unbreakable bond between siblings. In the story, Georgie seems desperate for his brother's attention - remembering past times when he and Ed pl...

  • Elki is Not My Dog

    Elki is Not My Dog

    Name: Maria
    02 April 2024;

    Genre: Animals

    Elki is not my dog is a story about kindness and community and has an important message for everyone. In this beautiful book we meet Elki, a dog who wanders into a community and is noticed by the local children. Elki soon becomes an important part of the children's liv...

  • Twice Upon a Time

    Twice Upon a Time

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    02 April 2024;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    The Morrow twins, Merry and Spike, were born on either side of the start of the New Year. Consequently, they were born in different months and years, and both of the clocks in their house stopped at the exact times of their births. Now clocks behave oddly around them and they have discovered t...

  • Movies Showing Nowhere

    Movie Showing Nowhere

    Name: Rachel Bolton
    02 April 2024;

    Genre: Family & Home

    What a wonderful idea to set a time travelling story with a cinema screen as the portal. Translated from Dutch, this award-winning novel (The Golden Pencil Prize for best Dutch children’s book of the year) tells the story of how Cate - a little bit sad, a little bit angry and definitely a litt...

  • Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly!

    Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly!

    Name: Clair Bossons
    02 April 2024;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    The Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly! is very eye-catching. A fabulously illustrated non-fiction chapter book which covers the history of Ancient Egypt in chronological order. The information is easily accessible to children without appearing overwhelming as...

  • So Let Them Burn

    So Let Them Burn

    Name: Lily Bond
    02 April 2024;

    Genre: Fantasy

    So Let Them Burn is about two sisters and their journey as they both try and save each other. It is set in a fantasy world full of dragons and magic. The novel is gripping and exciting; it's full of mystery and betrayal. I loved how the characters and the world were des...

  • How Many Dinosaurs is Too Many?

    How Many Dinosaurs is Too Many?

    Name: Natalie J McChrystal Plimmer
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Friends and family

    How Many Dinosaurs is too Many? asks the child (gender unspecific) in this vivid and vibrant picture book. When the child gets a real orange, cute, playful dinosaur, they are happy, so happy that they think one is not enough so another dinosaur appears, this time a purple one...

  • The Pinchers and the Diamond Heist

    The Pinchers and the Diamond Heist

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Adventure

    The Pinchers are a family of robbers. All of them steal things and lie, except for Theo, who secretly wants to be a policeman. Their next-door neighbour Paul is an actual policeman. One night Theo's parents go to a diamond exhibition and Theo is left to look after his little sister. In need of...

  • Martha Maps It Out In Time

    Martha Maps it Out in Time

    Name: Lauren Maidman
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Non Fiction

    Martha Maps it Out in Time is the brilliant new book from Martha, exploring her journey back in time, all the way to the start of time!  Martha's journey starts at the beach with her family when she finds a fossil and calls her Mary. Mary then starts her timeline and jo...

  • When the Wild Calls

    When the Wild Calls

    Name: Jennifer Caddick
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Dystopian

    A completely captivating, absorbing and highly emotive dystopian adventure that grips the reader from start to finish. This was a book that I simply could not put down. When the Wild Calls is the sequel to the brilliant <a href="/books/where-the-world-turns-wi...