Schools & Libraries Book Reviews


  • Where Is the Cat?

    Where is the Cat?

    Name: Maria
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Animals

    Where is the Cat? is a fun book which involves finding cat! At the beginning we meet cat who has a good life enjoying all the things cats love... mice, fish and lots of sleep, living happily with Suzy's auntie. Then Suzy arrives and wants to find cat. Cat is hiding and what fa...

  • Skunk! Skedaddle!

    Skunk! Skedaddle

    Name: Maria
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    Skunk! Skedaddle! will make your nostrils twitch and your tummy laugh as you read this hilarious book. Sally the skunk is lonely living on her own in the woods and decides to travel to the city to make friends... However, her journey and time in the city do not go to plan beca...

  • Soft and Sticky

    Soft and Sticky

    Name: Maria
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Friends and family

    What a fun book about Soft and Sticky who live together but have some problems and difficult situations. When you pick up this book you are immediately drawn in by the characters on the front cover who are in a peculiar pose due to being soft and sticky! These friends live tog...

  • Cat Nap

    Cat Nap

    Name: Amanda Shipton
    01 April 2024;

    Genre: Picture Books

    Cat Nap is a wonderful, humorous first book of Steve Antony’s character-led stories for young children. The limited language, focusing on nouns, makes this book perfect for the young child who is just learning the pleasure that books bring. The clear, bold illustrations are su...

  • Dinosaur Pie

    Dinosaur Pie

    Name: Amanda Shipton
    31 March 2024;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    Rory is having a weird week. A really weird week. He has been turned into a ridiculous, small, feathered dinosaur. Pretty awkward. Rory can't use a human toilet. He can't hold a video game controller in his little dino claws. His breath smells really bad. And his new carnivore body can't stop...

  • The Reluctant Vampire Queen

    The Reluctant Vampire Queen

    Name: Jessica Age 11
    31 March 2024;

    Genre: Supernatural

    The Reluctant Vampire Queen does a very good job at showing that if you are brave and determined enough then you can truly accomplish anything. However, I believe that the author should've written more detail and emphasised how Mo risking her grades for her 'undercover vampire...

  • The Nose, Toes and Tummy Book

    The Nose, Toes and Tummy Book

    Name: Maria
    31 March 2024;

    Genre: Baby & Toddler Books

    "These are your ears." "I just want to gobble you up!" The Nose, Toes and Tummy Book explores parts of the body with young children and their grown ups through vibrant pictures, questions and responses. This book supports learning about bodies and is explores this in a fun way...

  • Destroy the Day

    Destroy The Day

    Name: Linda Brown
    29 March 2024;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Destroy the Day is the final book from the magnificent Defy the Night series. Believe me when I say that, when you pick up this book, be prepared for heart-rending twists and turns that will keep you totally engaged until the very last page...

  • Blood Flowers

    Blood Flowers

    Name: Ophelia McCluskey Gahan
    29 March 2024;

    Genre: Dystopian

    This fantasy has a poetic, paradoxical plot that subtly addresses the power of social status and the manipulation of rulers who rule by fear, exploring the power of influence and just how much damaged it can do, issues that are prominent today.  Blood Flowers, a dark dystopia...

  • Astrid and the Space Cadets: Attack of the Snailiens!

    Astrid and the Space Cadets! Attack of the Snailiens!

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    29 March 2024;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Every night, Astrid Atomic gets ready for bed like any other small human person, but that's where the similarity ends. When the clock strikes midnight, she leaps into her wardrobe (which is an Intergalactic Transporter Pod) and heads off to join the Space Cadets. In Astrid and t...