Teenagers Book Reviews


  • This Time It's Real

    This Time It’s Real

    Name: Linda Brown
    09 February 2023;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    When 17 year old Eliza's personal essay about meeting the love of her life goes viral, her life changes overnight. However, will this make her life better? For in the back of her mind, she can't help believing this is going to go wrong. This is because her essay is all lies, she's never had a...

  • Wishes Come in Threes

    Wishes Come in Threes

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    09 February 2023;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Phyllis (who prefers to be called Phyll) has moved to the countryside, away from all her friends. Her mother is ill with depression and on her first day at summer camp she makes an enemy of Hilda. Phyll is miserable and lonely. On a visit to an old people's home she meets Mr Djinn, who tells h...

  • The Song Walker

    The Song Walker

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    03 February 2023;

    Genre: Personal Growth

    Waking up alone in the middle of the desert, a young girl wearing a black dress, one shoe and carrying a heavy case, struggles to keep walking. She has no idea who she is, where she has come from or where she is going to when she meets Tarni, a young First Country Australian girl who is on a q...

  • Scattered Showers: nine beautiful short stories

    Scattered Showers

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    02 February 2023;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    Short stories are a notoriously difficult art form but the utterly brilliant Rainbow Rowell has nailed it with her very first collection. Scattered Showers showcases Rowell's trademark character-driven storytelling, realistic relationship building and witty dialogue with nine...

  • The Song Walker

    The Song Walker

    Name: Clair Bossons
    02 February 2023;

    Genre: Personal Growth

    The Song Walker is a beautiful book full of mystery and adventure, set across the Australian Outback. The main character wakes in the desert not knowing where she is, why she is there or what her own name is. She is wearing one shoe, a black dress and carries a heavy locked ca...

  • The Funniest Boy in the World

    The Funniest boy in the world

    Name: Janet Fisher
    02 February 2023;

    Genre: Friends and family

    This is the sequel to The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh which I also reviewed for Reading Zone. It follows schoolboy Billy Plimpton's 'career' as a stand-up comedian, despite his stammer. At a festival Billy meets Leo Leggett who appears to b...

  • Rebel Skies

    Rebel Skies

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 February 2023;

    Genre: Fantasy

    In Rebel Skies, Kurara is a servant on a sky city, alongside her best friend, a younger boy called Haru. She cannot remember her earlier life, only this time. The city is part of the empire of Mikoshima, where rebels are trying to take power from the Emperor. All around are th...

  • The Midnight Game

    The Midnight Game

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    01 February 2023;

    Genre: Suspense & Thrillers

    One night in July, six teenagers break into an empty primary school. They don’t know each other, but they have met online and are there to play a game - The Midnight Game. Their aim is to summon the Midnight Man, a type of demon. There are strict rules to follow; they must not turn on the ligh...

  • The Agency for Scandal

    The Agency for Scandal

    Name: Linda Brown
    01 February 2023;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    The Agency for Scandal is a heartwarming, witty and romantic story set in the Regency period (not what I expected from the cover) and I totally enjoyed this fast-paced, rollercoaster ride of an adventure. Izzy Stanhope is an 18-year-old girl who has lots of secrets. Aft...

  • The Marvellers: the bestselling magical fantasy adventure

    The Marvellers

    Name: Jenny Caddick
    30 January 2023;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Welcome to a world of Marvellers at the Arcanium Training Institute where young Marvellers and their unique powers across the globe attend school to learn and hone their special magical and mystical inherited talents . From a world within and beyond the clouds, the Institute majestically stand...