Teenagers Book Reviews


  • The Treekeepers

    The Treekeepers

    Name: Rhiannon Cook
    30 December 2022;

    Genre: Fantasy

    A dark plot is afoot in the magical city of Arborven. The shadow tree Bitterblight has extended its murky tendrils towards its light counterpart, the Undrentree, in the centre of the city and a war, years in the making, is suddenly and unexpectedly at the city's door. The best hope of survival...

  • Midwinter Burning

    Midwinter Burning

    Name: Nathan Cox
    28 December 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Midwinter Burning by Tanya Landman is an historical adventure story, steeped with mystery. The story is set at the beginning of World War Two in England. Alfie Wright, an evacuee, has left London for Devon, living on Coombe Farm with Auntie Bell and her son, Ted. Alfie Wright...

  • The Notorious Scarlett and Browne

    The Notorious Scarlett and Browne

    Name: Stephen Leitch
    20 December 2022;

    Genre: Dystopian

    The Notorious Scarlett and Browne, the second instalment of the exploits of Scarlett McCain and Albert Browne, finds them in a more reflective mood, but with danger and adventure as deadly as ever and the stakes even higher! For six months, Scarlett and Albert have been workin...

  • All the Jingle Ladies

    All The Jingle Ladies

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    13 December 2022;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    Molly Bell hates Christmas. When she was very young, her parents (aka The Brussel Shouts) wrote and released the world's cheesiest Christmas record, Love Your Elf, and Molly, dressed as a cute little elf, delivered the last line. Now 15, Molly dreads anyone finding out about this. If the secre...

  • The Eternal Return of Clara Hart

    The Eternal Return of Clara Hart

    Name: Louise Baker
    01 December 2022;

    Genre: Personal Growth

    How long could you turn a blind eye to the actions of your friends, before speaking up? Teenager James 'Spence' Spencer is coming to the slow realisation that his friends aren't the people he thought they were - and that, by association, he's walking a very dangerous path. After witness...

  • Glowrushes


    Name: Linda Brown
    01 December 2022;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Glowrushes has been considered to be an Italian masterpiece by this author and for the very first time has been translated into English. I'm so pleased that this has been done. This is a book that will stay with you long after you have put it down. It will put your emotions on...

  • The Little Match Girl Strikes Back

    The Little Match Girl Strikes Back

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    30 November 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Meet Bridie Sweeney. She's a little match girl, working hard on the streets of Victorian London to help feed her family; she's poor, hungry and cold - but there ends the resemblance to the famous fairy tale character. As she says, match girls weren't all pretty things with with fair curls and...

  • The Ghost Locket

    The Ghost Locket

    Name: Janet Fisher
    30 November 2022;

    Genre: Supernatural

    Lolli is in England with Freya and they have come back to help with the opening of the family house in Spitalfields.  But Lolli does not want to go into the house as she knows it is haunted by a malevolent spirit.  Her strange behaviour and her inability to tell anyone what is happening to her...

  • Into the Sideways World

    Into the Sideways World

    Name: Ellora Age 11
    27 November 2022;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Ross Welford is an exceptionally brilliant author with his mind blowing time books and Into The Sideways World is no exception. I read this book in one sitting, so mesmerised with the way he writes. I love how he involved the future and a different world into this book it's am...

  • Murder At Snowfall

    Murder at Snowfall

    Name: Ruth Cornish
    22 November 2022;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Murder at Snowfall, the latest murder mystery from Fleur Hitchcock, is an exciting middle grade book featuring realistic characters with real life issues in addition to a thrilling sideline in detective work. The atmosphere created by the author is as chilling as the season as...