Teenagers Book Reviews


  • The Secret of Ragnar's Gold

    The Secret of Ragnar's Gold

    Name: Carol Wright
    27 July 2022;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Lucy, Max, Joe and Charlie - The After School Detective Club - are back for another thrilling adventure in The Secret of Ragnar's Gold. Ufford Castle, Suffolk, is the setting for a treasure hunt when the gang find a mysterious box containing a gold coin and a secret code. Will...

  • Cuckoo Summer

    Cuckoo Summer

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    17 July 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    I began Cuckoo Summer with limited expectations. The blurb sounded suspiciously like Robert Westall's masterpiece, the Machine Gunners, and I wondered doubtfully whether it would measure up. Within a dozen pages, I'd been won over, and found myself totally engrossed in a rattl...

  • Stitched Up

    Stitched Up

    Name: Joanna Hewish
    16 July 2022;

    Genre: Social Issues

    Stitched Up is a very powerful, true-to-life story that really hits home hard. I was absolutely hooked from the first word and read this in one sitting. My son (age 8) was also completely absorbed by it and finished it with lots of questions. The great thing about this...

  • Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame

    Loki A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame

    Name: Donna Burkert
    15 July 2022;

    Genre: Funny Stories

    Loki, disguised as 11-year-old schoolboy Liam, is once again trying to prove that he can be a Good God in Loki A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame, the second book in the Loki series by Louie Stowell. Seeing out his punishment by Odin in the mortal world, as part of a 'famil...

  • The Mermaid Call

    The Mermaid Call

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    12 July 2022;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Lake Splendour is a seaside town built around the myth of Lake Mermaid and the 'Mermaid Girls'. Vivian lives with her grandmother at a tourist shop called Enchanted Tails, one of many businesses which benefit from the story, like those of her friends Erik and Eleni. When some children at her s...

  • The Mermaid Call

    The Mermaid Call

    Name: Sharon Porter
    11 July 2022;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Want a great summer read which will keep you turning pages, wanting to know more? Then The Mermaid Call is the book for you. It's a cracking tale of intrigue, suffrage and being true to yourself. The characters ebb and flow (pardon the watery pun!) and how the theme of reinven...

  • Birdsong


    Name: Kelly Buxton
    07 July 2022;

    Genre: Bereavement

    Birdsong is a solemn read about a girl whose life is splintered into tiny pieces when she and her mum are involved in a car crash. The crash leaves the girl with a scarred arm, resulting in the shattering of her promising flute career. The story follows a melody of grief: for...

  • The Case of the Smuggler's Curse

    The Case of the Smuggler's Curse

    Name: Carol Wright
    07 July 2022;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    The After-school Detective Club comprises four new friends and their dog, Sherlock. Their first adventure, set in the beautiful coastal town of Southwold, Suffolk, sees them caught up in a ghost mystery. Their investigations lead them into serious trouble with the police. Written by bes...

  • Her Dark Wings

    Her Dark Wings

    Name: Linda Brown
    07 July 2022;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    I simply loved Her Dark Wings! This author seriously knows how to keep her target audience engaged, with her believable characters and world building... Corey is 16 and has lived all of her life on a tiny island that's in between the mainland and the edge of the Underwo...

  • Cuckoo Summer

    Cuckoo Summer

    Name: Elen Green
    07 July 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Cuckoo Summer is one of those books that you know is going to find a natural place alongside books like Goodnight Mr Tom (Michelle Magorian) and The Valley Of Lost Secrets (Lesley Parr); there is so much to recommend about it. Jonathan Tulloch's writing takes you straig...