Teenagers Book Reviews


  • While the Storm Rages

    While the Storm Rages

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Last year, Phil Earle's debut, When the Sky Falls, garnered huge praise and was one of my favourite books of the year. This always makes me a little nervous reading a second book, in case I don't like it as much, but I need not have worried. In <...

  • Looking for Emily

    Looking for Emily

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Lily is the main character in Looking for Emily, and the story starts when she has just relocated from the bustling city to the very quaint seaside town of Edge with her mom. Lily truly believes that nothing exciting is ever going to happen to her again because the town of Edg...

  • While the Storm Rages

    While the Storm Rages

    Name: Louisa Farrow
    01 June 2022;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    In the summer of 1939, Noah's dad leaves to join the army and makes Noah promise to look after his dog, Winn. Noah takes the responsibility to heart, believing that keeping the dog safe will keep his father safe, too. Then war is declared and the government advises people to have their pets pu...

  • The Consequence Girl

    The Consequence Girl

    Name: Hayley Summerfield
    30 May 2022;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Alastair Chisholm is an award-winning author and his new book The Consequence Girl is a thrilling science fiction adventure, full of futuristic lands, gadgets and courageous characters. We are introduced to Lilith in the prologue; she is a mercenary on a mission to rescue a ch...

  • The Consequence Girl

    The Consequence Girl

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    30 May 2022;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Cora and Seleen live in a cabin in the woods. Constantly vigilant, they live far away from others, although Cora is not sure who or what they are hiding from. When she breaks the rules they live by and rescues an injured boy, Kai, Cora's life changes for ever.  Possessed of an incredible abili...

  • When I See Blue

    When I See Blue

    Name: Sue Wilsher
    27 May 2022;

    Genre: Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Constantly compelled to do things in certain ways, like using multiples of four to prevent bad things from happening, even the smallest tasks seem almost impossible to Ben. Problems at home, moving to a new house and starting a new school are making his life increasingly difficult, but a new f...

  • Keep Dancing, Lizzie Chu

    Keep Dancing, Lizzie Chu

    Name: Jennifer Caddick
    27 May 2022;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Keep dancing, Lizzie Chu is the wonderfully uplifting, charming and tender story of 12-year-old Lizzie Chu, who as the only relative (and now, increasingly it seems, the carer) of her Grandad Wai Gong, who she has lived with all her life. After the loss of her Grandma Kam, Liz...

  • When We Got Lost in Dreamland (paperback)

    When we got Lost in Dreamland

    Name: Rhiannon Cook
    25 May 2022;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    In When we got lost in Dreamland, Malcolm is starting a new school but has already fallen in with the wrong crowd. When the domineering Kez Becker dares him to steal something from a house in the neighbourhood, Malcolm comes away with two strange contraptions called 'Dreaminat...

  • Day of the Whale

    Day of the Whale

    Name: Janet Fisher
    24 May 2022;

    Genre: Dystopian

    Set in the near future on an island off Australia after catastrophic flooding, a community thinks it is ruled by the Blue Whale through its human interpreter, a man called Byron Vox. There are no books, photographs nor technology, apart from the big screen through which communication is made t...

  • The Light Hunters

    The Light Hunters

    Name: Nathan Cox
    19 May 2022;

    Genre: Fantasy

    This book was absolutely amazing! I read this in just two sittings as I quite literally couldn't put it down. The Light Hunters by Dan Walker is an amazing fantasy story that is action packed with adventure and so creatively written. The story cleverly combines real life exper...