Teenagers Book Reviews


  • The Lightning Catcher

    The Lightening Catcher

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    01 April 2021;

    Genre: Magical Realism

    Alfie and his family move to the village of Folding Ford where the weather is completely crazy. Ice in the middle of summer, rain over just one house and temperatures and tempers going crazy. Alfie and his new friend Sam start to investigate and Alfie unwittingly lets loose a strange creature...

  • A Secret of Birds & Bone

    Name: Janet Fisher
    01 April 2021;

    Genre: Friends and family

    This author goes from strength to strength. Each of her books, starting with The Girl of Ink and Stars in 2016, is different and quite unique. A Secret of Birds and Bone tells of the children of Renata, a bone binder living just outside Siena in an undefined period. Renata app...

  • Starboard


    Name: Donna Ritchie
    01 April 2021;

    Genre: Friends and family

    If you like boats - you'll love this! If you like adventures - you'll love this! If you like a story about finding your true self - you'll love this! Starboard is a story set around 11-year-old reality TV star, Kirsten. Her show is focused on finding a girlfriend for he...

  • Tragedy at Sea: The Sinking of the Titanic

    Tragedy At Sea: The Sinking of the Titanic

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    01 April 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    The Titanic is arguably the most famous ship in the world, and this gem of a book tells its story through conception to building and, ultimately, to its tragic sinking. The author, David Long, has managed to pack the book with facts, but always keeps it readable and accessible to the reader. T...

  • Havenfall


    Name: Andrew Mullen
    31 March 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    I thoroughly enjoyed Havenfall which is just the sort of story that I like to read. The author has given it a nice twist in that it is a fantasy story in essence, with a background of magic and other races/communities, but all set in our own world.  Although we may not visit t...

  • Cardboard Cowboys

    Cardboard Cowboys

    Name: Jo Clarke
    25 March 2021;

    Genre: Friends and family

    Cardboard Cowboys is honest and brave. It tells the tale of Lenny, a boy bullied because of his appearance and who, as a result, is reluctant to go to school. Lenny carries a lot of weight with him and not just his physical size; he has a heavy burden of guilt that is hinted a...

  • The Infinity Files

    The Infinity Files

    Name: Beverley Somerset
    16 March 2021;

    Genre: Science Fiction

    In The Infinity Files, we meet Ash Yang, a trainee fighter pilot, trying out for the only available place in the Star Corporation Academy. She has been preparing and studying for this moment for years and is determined to succeed. War has been raging in the solar system agains...

  • Just Like Me

    Just Like Me

    Name: Linda Canning
    11 March 2021;

    Genre: Representation & Inclusion

    Just Like Me is a wonderfully inspiring book, which celebrates the beauty of diversity and difference. It is filled with tales of the challenges and adversity faced by successful people in all walks of life, from scientists to musicians, artists to authors and everything in be...

  • Vega Jane and the Secrets of Sorcery

    Name: Solianna Age 10
    08 March 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    I would rate this book five stars because I like how it is full of magic, danger and mystery; I also like that the genre is fantasy adventure. The thing I did not like about the book is that it was full of cliff-hangers - that made me really impatient! Other than that, Vega Jane is an amazing...

  • The World Between Us

    The World Between Us

    Name: Sharon Bolton
    08 March 2021;

    Genre: Romance & Relationships

    The World Between Us is a heart wrenching tale of Alice, bed-bound with the 'Illness', who counts her daily energy levels in spoons. Some days she has enough spoons and other days there's just not enough for her to live her limited life to the full. Alice benefits from Stream...