Teenagers Book Reviews


  • Jane Austen Investigates: The Abbey Mystery

    Name: Linda Canning
    07 March 2021;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    I've got to be honest - when this book dropped through my letterbox, I wasn't entirely overjoyed. One look at it told me it was not the sort of book I would normally go for. I cracked it open and prepared myself to do battle with some elaborate prose and flowery language and was delighted to f...

  • Circus Maximus: Race to the Death

    Circus Maximus: Race to the Death

    Name: Jacqueline Harris
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    Dido is the young daughter of the trainer Antonius. Antonius trains horses and charioteers for Rome's Circus Maximus; the greatest of all the chariot races. Dido dreams of becoming a charioteer herself, but that is impossible as girls in Ancient Rome do not take part in sport of any sort, part...

  • The Girl with her Head in the Clouds: The Amazing Life of Dolly Shepherd

    The Girl with her Head in the Clouds: The Amazing Life of Dolly Shepherd

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    In The Girl with her Head in the Clouds: The Amazing Life of Dolly Shepherd, 16 year old Dolly Shepherd has no second thoughts when she steps up to be the human target in an apple shooting stunt starring a showman wearing a blindfold. It proves to be just the start of her sens...

  • The Dog that Saved the World (Cup)

    The Dog that Saved the World (Cup)

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Animals

    Truth is stranger than fiction, so the saying goes, and in The Dog that Saved the World (Cup), Phil Earle cleverly draws on not just one but two of the real world stories which surround us, one from over 50 years ago and one much more recent, to create an incredible, emotional...

  • The Flag Never Touched The Ground: America's Brave Black Regiment in Battle

    The Flag Never Touched the Ground

    Name: Matthew Lappin
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    'Freedom would never simply be given. It had to be fought for. And taken.'  The life of a Black slave in 1863 was one fraught with segregation, discrimination, exploitation and freedom that could only be dreamt of. William Harvey Carney's beginning to life was no different.William,...

  • Melt


    Name: Kelly Buxton
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Environment

    I devoured Melt by Ele Fountain in two-sittings. This book left me stunned and collecting my thoughts. Melt is a beautifully written story about two polar opposite worlds colliding and fusing in a feat of survival.I enjoyed the parallel narratives at the beginning...

  • Shipwreck Island

    Shipwreck Island (Orphans of the Tide)

    Name: Kelly Buxton
    04 March 2021;

    Genre: Fantasy

    Orphans of the Tide Shipwreck Island Fans is the second instalment in the Orphans of the Tide series and does not disappoint. Ellie, the inventor's daughter, and Seth, god of the sea, have fled the enemy's city and are in search...

  • Show Us Who You Are

    Show Us Who You Are

    Name: Jo Clarke
    03 March 2021;

    Genre: Mystery & Detective

    Show us Who You Are is a brave and truthful book weaving intriguing scientific possibilities and the harsh realities of social conformity. It is a book which is not 'about' autism but a book that shows what it is like to be autistic and how important it is to be accepted and v...

  • Another Twist in the Tale

    Name: Eileen Armstrong
    02 March 2021;

    Genre: Historical Fiction

    You know the tale of Oliver Twist: the boy who asked for more, the reluctant pickpocket and orphan who became heir to a great fortune. Few people know that there was another Twist - a girl brought into the world moments before her brother. Another Twist in the Tale tells her story. Twill Twist...

  • How to Be a Hero

    Name: Donna Ritchie
    01 March 2021;

    Genre: Myths & Legends

    If you enjoy stories such as How to Train your Dragon and Who let the Gods out?, then this is a book for you! A story of a Viking 'would-be' thief / hero.Whetstone (it's all in the name!), who hails from the village of Drott, is an orphan who has been 'cared for' by Angrboda (refer...